Need to Limit Liquor even Now
2. Many Women AOPs demanding Prohibition of Liquor and some States decided to Ban but bent on Merchandise. Some States opting Women Banning Men in providing Family Welfare Programs due to Adverse effects of Liquor
3. Article 47 in 1949 itself Recognised the Need of Banning Alcohol except for Industrial Purpose to Save Health , Society, Decency, Livelihood Convenience , Economy in 65% of Indian Population Upholding IPC Chapter XIV , Articles 21,38,41 too
4. These Above 3 Issues which are part of Life Article 21 and Preamble Guarantees in true perspective Qualifies FOR BAN OF ALCOHOLIC DRINKS/LIQUOR Permitting Supply and Consumption of Liquor in Permit Rooms and Star Hotels of 3 and above to cater International Tie-ups, Regulations and Health Issues
5. Health of People already accustomed Compulsory/Voluntary QUIT OF LIQUOR for above 1 and 1/2 Months and is the very Right Time FOR BAN OF LIQUOR UPHOLDING WISE , SAFE AND SECURING ISSUES contemplated in Points 1 to 3 and 5 .
Public Issues of 1 to 3 , Social Issues of IPC Chapter XIV NOT TO BE OVERRULED BY Taxes and Individual Liberties . more