Never elect parliamentary member who made this act
(2)Of course the people of India and the judiciary are egger & open to corrections for the betterment, but cannot endorse the under carpet plot of damaging the backbone of the country.
(3)The hon. supreme court have finally saved us from hacking the judiciary by the antisocials & antinationals.
(4)Through their many historical judgments, our hon. judiciary proved that supreme authority exists in our country who care for the constitution & constitutional rights of the people.
(5) Due to the corrupt governance by the politicians, parallel economy of huge black money is reality, is invested in properties and is running our country
(6) This black money is going out quickly outside the country, compared to returning of the very little of black money accumulated outside from last 10-20 years.
(7) In this critical situation, if the constitution of our nation is weakened then it is very well possible for the crooks to sell our country on the power of black money.
(8) Then nobody can save our precious hard earned independence given by the number of freedom fighters & Gandhiji.
(9)Time has come to tell these dirty politicians, they don’t understand even the needs of common man of this country, first correct your self, in place of correcting the crucial constitutional backbones.
(10)The parliament is hacked by the criminals & crooks. Supremacy of parliament is applicable if and only if it is filled by the deserved ones.
(11)The constitution emits the fact that, the politicians are not eligible to correct the very backbone of our constitution, unless & untill they formulate it properly and speak clearly before the people in the general elections and even then the well educated hon. judiciary must agree to it.
(12) This is very nice provision of the indian constitution. It tells that nobody is allowed to cheat the supreme people of India.
(13)Let the politicians understand that in our country the constitution is supreme who is supported by three supreme authorities to take care of the country, as per the guidelines of the indian constitution.
(14)First the precident who administers, second the hon. judiciary who set right the inadverant lapses of the administration, third the parliament who go to the grass root level to identify real needs of the people in interest of the nation & provide guidelines, necessary laws, amendments to the constitution to fulfill the people needs.
(15)The elected ruling party under head of the prime minister only executes the guidelines. Accordingly the present government should execute their promises made to the people of India, within the laws stipulated.
(16)Doing the acts of increasing the black money, it is useless to expect good reforms from the present government, if such dangerous undercarpet constitution damaging measures are taken, in the place of right ones.
(17)Even further the hon. supreme court should accept the PIL against the prime ministers who cheated the country and being framed unaccountable by not filing the FIR, by the corrupt governance.
(18)So all indian nationals who respect supremacy of our indian constitution must tell their unforgivable deeds, to these political parties.
(19) We should never elect out each & every parliamentary member who agreed & supported this attack on the backbone of our indian constitution. more