Nirbhaya's 4th anniversary - Can Women Safety be a priority?
Indian Police Foundation
Collective Citizen inputs to improve Women Safety in India
1. Reporting of crime against women should be made very quick and easy
2. Stricter censorship of movies, print and electronic media content should be practiced
3. Sex education should be provided at middle school level
4. Self-defence programs should be made mandatory for children at school
5. Counsellors should be appointed in all Government and private schools
6. Setting up of the dedicated, fast track benches in the existing courts should be initiated with strict and harsh punishment for the offenders
7. Electronic surveillance should be increased in cities
8. A one-stop emergency helpline should be developed to help women/children in any distress
9. Mobile apps with an emergency button should be created
10. Local community should be engaged on Women Assistance needs via Social Media
11. Educating the society about gender discrimination is important
12. At corporate level, all should get training on how to behave with women
13. Better facilities for sanitation should be provided in rural areas
14. The image of police should be given a makeover and they should become easy to approach
15. There should be more representation of women in law making
16. Special court for rapes, with retired IPS & Judges (50% female) with a 60 days verdict deadline should be instituted
17. Punishment of 14 years or higher should be given for rape and death penalty for rape & murder
18. A separate department should be created at district level for overseeing these things
19. The boycott of discrimination against women should start from within each household
20. Strict laws should be enforced as in Singapore where women can travel by bus or train even in odd hours
21. NGOs should be appointed to support the women who wish to report crimes against them
22. A mobile app should be made where women can feed in the auto/taxi number that they are taking at odd hours, which goes in the records of the nearest police station
23. Stricter laws should be made for firms for late night work and they must be bound to provide drop service
24. Dowry practice should be strictly condemned and amendments should be made to the dowry laws. more