Non payment of GST to Govt.
1.All the Baniyas/ grocery shops do not issue a bill/receipt for the items purchased by a customer & calculate the bill amount on calculator & ask the customer to pay it. Is this not default in payment of GST? What action the Govt is taking against them?
2. Recently I had been to a renowned institution working for rehabilitation of Patients of certain decease. I purchased a purse which was tagged as Rs.311/- + Rs. 44/- ( 14% CGST) + Rs. 44/- (14% SGST) = Total Rs. 399/-. I purchased two purses & gave Rs. 2000/- note. I was given back Rs. 1200/-. I suspected that since the Bill is not given the GST paid by me will be pocketed by the institution or its Board/committee members WITHOUT PAYING TO GOVT. I therefore insisted for receipt of Rs. 1200/- paid by me. I was told that I will have to wait as it will take time to prepare Computerized receipt. I said O. K. Then to my utter surprise Computerized receipt of Rs. 734/- was issued to me comprising of Rs. 311/- + Rs. 56/- ( 9% CGST) + Rs. 56/- ( 9% SGST) & I was refunded Rs. 66/-.
Is this not cheating by the so called Social institution? Firstly they wanted to pocket the entire GST, secondly they wanted to charge more GST than permissible by Govt & not to pass on the concession given by Govt to its customers.
I have preserved the original tag attached to my purse charging 14% each CGST & SGST & the computerized bill issued to me later on showing 9% each CGST & SGST. However I don't have any proof to prove the fact that they wanted to deceive Govt by not paying the GST collected as per Tag if the customers won't insist for Receipt.
Can the Local Circles Authorities take up the matter at appropriate Level? If this is the case of one Charitable Institution one can imagine how much cheating must be done All over India. more
You hit the main issue in GST. 'If implemented
AND ENFORCED ' --these are the key words for success of GST story. It seems implementation & enforcemen part is not happening. It should happen ASAP. The concerned authorities please take suitable action. more