NRC -the need ?

A country surrounded by hostile neighbours has to expect infiltration as a normal enemy move and espionage.
India has been facing border infiltration in general due to war, persecution by regimes in their own countries , poverty, hostile weather, non sustainability and some percentage of saboteurs .
But after 70 years of independence and knowing fully that Pakistan has been showing infiltration from sixties the govt was not very aggressive due to article 370 as there was no room to implement.
But after and during 1970 open infiltration was accepted from porous border with Bangladesh .
Now Rohingiyas from Burma are a cause of concern as they are found in all states specially south.
Local people’s frustration is on expected lines as they share the job opurtunities and increase the congestion of living and infrastructure.
Though by court order or by govts intention to check its security NRC was needed.
More so in border states and the chance to prove rests with people .
If the claims are not found they can be granted fresh citizenships as regularisationafyer due biometric ID recording including DNA proof .They may be denied voting rights untill a certain period of Four or five years .
Raising hue and cry that they are Hindus, Muslims does not auger well for security reasons ,many can take fictitious names of other religions to escape law.
It is time to play cool and wait for the govt to act and allow appeales for justice.
In the present times all border states must go through this exercise for countries security reason.
Let us make India safe and secure . more  

View all 22 comments Below 22 comments
Why any national be given citizenship of India? more  
Illegal Migration are happening since 1971, then PM indira gandhi allowed refugee camp for Bangladeshi and they became permanent Illegal Resident of India. If all illegal immigrant are sent back, India's poulation will come down by at least 3-4%. more  
Patronising illegal Residents is dangerous. Many Terror groups sheltered in places AND EVEN ANTI NATIONAL FAMILIES ARE INCREASING.
Must be curbed. Every shall use authorised systems of VISAS more  
It is no secret that the border states, particularly, the north east states including West Bengal are heavily infiltrated illegally by Bangladeshi infiltrators creating serious socioeconomic and political issues. This has been happening since independence but neither the respective state governments nor the central government had ever pointed their attention towards this menace and tried to restrict the trend, which is continued unrestricted till now. Instead of making an effective policy to deport such illegal infiltrators for ever, different political parties used them as their vote banks. Now that the present government have decided for the NRC to enable to identify the illegal infiltrators and to deport them, other political parties who have their vested interests in retaining them and the so called liberals are making hue & cry trying to give communal colors to the issue in the names of RSS & BJP, which should be criticised by all. more  
How National Integrity persist when PAK supporters increasingly Shelterd. GOI , SC TO THINK more  
We can proclaim that even if the illegal immigrant is caught after 10~15 years or even more he will be thrown out along with their younger generation. They should be asked to declare today itself their nationality. Our leniency in such matters is costing us as a society. We are deprived of jobs, infrastructure, medical care because a big percentage of the budget is consumed by these people. The insecurity arising out of this situation is also a cause of concern and so should be dealt with a firm hand. There are some parties with mala fide interests. They will always shout about human approach, freedom of speech, etc. Simply neglect them. Dont even bother to respond to them. more  
It is strange . How Citizen identity becomes Communal Propaganda . Civic Society should not be lead to Communal Coalition as afraid by Dr Ambedkar more  
This is why Caste wise Census was prohibited honouring Constitutional mandate of Fraternity and Equality more  
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