Odd-Even Notification from Delhi Govt
(i) The plying of non-transport four wheeled vehicles (Motor Cars etc.) having
registration number ending with odd digit (1,3,5,7,9) shall be prohibited on
even dates of the month of April (i.e. 16th ,18,h, 20th, z2nd, 26th and so on)
and plying of the non-transport Vehicles having registration number ending
with even digit (0,2,4.6,8) shall be prohibited on odd dates of the month of
April (i.e. 15th , 19th, 21rt, 23rd ,2sth and so on).
(ii) These restrictions shall also apply to the non-transport four wheeled vehicles
bearing registration number of other states.
(iii) These restrictions shall be applicable from 8 AM to 8 pM of such dates.
(iv) These restrictions shall not be applicable on Sundays.
(v) Exceptions are listed in the attached notification.
Violation of these orders shall attract a fine of Rs. 2000. more