Onboarding Urban Illiterates to Swachh Bharat - Addl Inputs
Swachh Bharat Mission
Onboarding urban illiterates to Swachh Bharat
1. This community should be sensitized on the benefits of sanitation
2. Each state should identify the areas in which this community resides
3. These areas should then be divided into small pockets for better attention
4. NGOs should be roped in to take care of each pocket and create awareness about Swachh Bharat
5. Basic facilities like dustbins, toilets etc. should be made available free in their area so that they get used
6. Cleanliness camps/drives should be organised in Urban slums and villages
7. The Village Panchayats should take up this initiative persistently
8. These illiterate masses would be more open to learning if approached in a diplomatic manner that gives them importance and does not ridicule them in any way
9. The Government could use the Television channels for showing pictures/short films, in local language, developed to motivate the illiterates also to join the mission
10. MLAs should role out cash prize for the cleanest basti or slum
11. Some filthy spots where people throw garbage should be identified and beautified so that people think twice before throwing the garbage there again
12. Volunteers should be chosen from these areas and cleanliness duties should be assigned to them
13. They should also be trained to motivate others to join into Swachh Bharat
14. We can build a remunerative structure involving people living in slums in cosmopolitan cities
15. People could actually be paid like Rs. 2 for using the toilet for the first time every day and for free after that
16. Educate the illiterates in urban areas about the communicable diseases and the manner it spreads
17. Arrange visit by volunteer groups to inter act with the residents to know their problems in keeping the area clean
18. Residents should be given them the contact information for corprators as well as volunteer groups and NGOs
19. Doctors should take sessions with the people living there about how diseases like diarrhoea spread due to filthy surroundings
20. Some celebrities could also be roped in to spread awareness as they have a mass following
21. A landfill area should be designated where trash can be buried, so that rats and diseases do not proliferate. more