Online sites displaying inflated MRP - Solutions
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Online sites displaying products over MRP – Issues identified by consumers
1. Price mentioned for some products on ecommerce websites is higher than the actual MRP of the product
2. Some sites increase the MRP of the products to be able to offer a lucrative looking discount
3. In some rare cases the price tags are changed to a higher price than the actual price of the product
4. Products are sold at a higher price than the MRP and when the customer asks for a refund, store credits are given to them
5. Prices are commonly increased just before a sale is announced and then discounts are offered and poor Indian consumers who search by discounts get misled into ordering
6. Some sites may even have algorithms which can increase the prices of certain products across the site (even if they exceed MRP) with a single command and then revert them with a command
7. On some items, the company MRP is covered by stickers with a higher MRP
8. Some sites sell imported versions on products which are also manufactured in India and put a higher MRP sticker on them more