Organ Rackets/Hospitals/Doctors in India

News says Government will investigate Apollo Hospitals for running kidney rackets. The Government should do that and also it should investigate hundreds of other hospitals across the country where this is happening.

It should talk to all families who registered on organ donation waitlist in last 20 years to understand what they did for their family member, who they paid, which hospitals and Doctors.

Then it should go back to the drawing board and identify loopholes in the law and fix the law so these violations dont happen and consenting people can donate kidneys more easily to those in need.

If that doesnt happen these violations will continue more  

Action needed. Investigations good only if it leads to or enables action. For example identiying loopholes in the law. more  
Instead of "will investigate", it would be good if the govt says " have investigated and this is the action taken". more  
Somehow its difficult to digest that a reputed hospital like Apollo would get into organ rackets. You generally expect this from shady and unknown institutions which are not very transparent in their operations. This needs a thorough and impartial investigation as people trust medical institutions like Apollo absolutely. Several of my relatives have been treated at Apollo and some of the doctors are also known to us in personal capacity. There was always a lot of trust and faith in Apollo, its staff and doctors. If the racket is true, this will be a major blow to our faith and trust in repuited medical institutions. Maybe its a stray case of a few bad apples who have entered an otherwise credible system. Whatever it is, stern and swift action is needed if the racket is found true. more  
This seems to be a big racket. I suggest that these cases must be handed over to agencies like CBI, which can bring the culprits to book. more  
In smaller towns, when poor people go to Doctors they are misguided and coaxed to do surgeries that are not needed only to find later that one kidney has been removed. more  
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