Outcome of Health Studies: May be Relevant to You
1. The most commonly prescribed medication for Type-2 diabetes, Metformin is also the safest for Heart: Annals of Internal Medicine
2. Patients suffering from arterial fibrillation, or irregular heart beat, treated long term with blood thinning drug , Warfarin may be at greater risk for dementia or Alzheimer's disease: Heart Rhythm Society
3. Smoking can adversely affect sperm development and function: Journal of European Urology
4. Working with rotating shifts is associated with a 15 to 18% increased risk of coronary heart disease: JAMA
5. Tai Chi and other traditional Chinese exercises may improve cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure, bad cholesterol and triglycerides. It may also lower depression and boost quality of life in patients with cardiovascular disease: Journal of American Health Association.
Thanks Ramesh ji and Rajendran ji.
Jun 04
Thanks to all esteemed members who have liked the post and ticked "Helpful".
Jun 04
I and my family rarely use Allopathic drugs for treatment of most problems encountered in daily life like cough, cold, diarrhea, simple fever, seasonal body aches, dysentery, common female problems etc. Homeopathy has seen us through all the above problems over past five decades. Recently my mother 86, had a sudden spurt in her BP and had developed slurring of speech. So I rushed her to a nearly hospital and now she is near normal with her BP registering 130/80 regularly for the past couple of month with the BP drugs. The doctor in charge of her treatment has prescribed her five different types of drugs and a couple of those tablets is costing a fortune to CGHS ! Allopathy is good upto this point of immediately taking control of the situation and saving the life of the patient. The point I wish to bring to light here is that every single Alloppathic drug right from Asprin has its side effects. I have realised this on going through the effects of the medicines (from the website) given to my mother ! And not a single doctor informs the patient about the side effects of the drugs. Most patients are not interested to know the side effects and many may get confused on learning about the side effects . Therefore it is good to publish the side effects of most commonly used allopathic drugs like you have mentioned above and generally Raja Sahib, and Brij ji and other knowledgeable persons keep telling us. Warfarin may be at greater risk for dementia or Alzheimer's disease: Heart Rhythm Society "...... but we are helpless, a patient has to take the medicine irrespective of long term effects.
Jun 03
Thanks Dr Neelam Nath Ji
Jun 03