Overcrowding in Reserved Compartments

The chronic problem of too much overcrowding in reserved compartments (Sleeper, even AC Sleeper) is highlighted many times by the members as well as brought about in different forums. A point to note here is those overcrowding are mostly waitlisted passengers, who have purchased tickets from the window and hence permitted to board the train, otherwise an e-ticket automatically gets cancelled if waiting list is not confirmed at the time of chart preparation. This must now be prevented by the railway authorities making automatic cancellation of wait listed ticket- purchased from the window, if not getting confirmed, at the time of chart preparation (‘at -par’ with e tickets). Firstly, people will have to accept this, as they are accepting the present situation when an e ticket gets automatically cancelled (and others like 'No Sr. Citizen Concession’ or ‘No Half Ticket with Berth for Children below 12 years’) and plan travel accordingly. By this, railways may lose negligible revenue if some berths are still vacant (due to reserved passengers missing the train at the eleventh hour), but it will definitely prevent TTEs from earning extra premium by allowing the wait listed passengers to travel and most important- avoiding the trains overcrowding.
Local circles manager may take it up at the highest level to have it implemented at the earliest possible! more  

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yes and other reason Railways do not declare extra trains in ADVANCE . if they do then they will not get theirs due from touts. They know that trains to Patna, Varanasi, Orissa are full and waitlist are above 300. They should immediately put extra train on that route. Why wait till end. Running HUMSUFFER people do not travel as PRICE IS TOO HIGH ultimately loss to railways. As booking is allowed 120 days so the touts and others do not get dues so railways do not announce extra train in ADVANCE. more  
This is an age-old problem and root cause is revenue. Passengers comfort is secondary. However separate arrangement is required for waitlisted and emergency. A chair car for such passengers could be a solution. Even in AC class, coach attendant selling the linen storage area to such passengers and charging the amount something 1000-1500 for a long trip. These passengers are also making coaches crowded. more  
If overcrowding is a daily affair, railways should take steps to it. more  
Why more and more people are travelling by Train and over crowding the Trains? Reason is Bus Fares are High as Compared to Train Fare. These must be Competitive, them short distance Passengers will switch over to Bus Journey and thus Over crowding in Trains will reduce. more  
If there is a no show, the advantage goes to the TT. If someone boards at midnight with a wait-listed ticket who will keep the doors closed? It requires automated doors with QR code, etc. and miles to go..... more  
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