One of our relatives - 67 years old (female) from Indore requires a pacemaker. They are deliberating coming to Delhi for the procedure. We are looking at Medanta, escorts and Appollo for her procedure. Can people share experiences as to what hospital out of these or others they have had good experience with. Nothing like hearing from someone who themselves/ family has gotten the same procedure done at any of these hospitals. Also open to any Doctors that you might suggest. Many many thanks. more
Many thanks Mr. Bhardwaj, Mr. Gupta and Dr. Vinayek. It is so nice to have this circle capability. It feels like the extended family has suddenly gotten much bigger. more
All three hospitals are equally good, depending upon your location, you can visit any one of these and contact the top most doctor at these hospitals. I have used Medanta in gurgaon and some of my friends have been to Escorts and Apollo also . more
You can contact a very good friend of mine Pushpinder Bharaj @ 9810798407. He's been into pacemakers (deals with all major hospitals as he's been working with multinationals who manufacture pacemakers for more than a decade in a senior position & thus knows everything about them inside out. more
Whales have heart rates @2/minute while in water and it's up by 4 while out of water,while hunting. Humans have heart rates between 60-80 and athletic people or others who believe in reg...
Can we run our vehicle without good oil? Why do we get our vehicles serviced, get filter & oil changed after driving few thousands of Kilometers? Cholesterol is a type of fat found i...
If you are in your 30s or know someone who is in their 30s, then it is important to understand that alkaline diet hams none and helps everyone without being a burden on the pocket. Dr Otto Warburg,...
Foods As Blood Thinners Dr. Neelam Nath Bhatia Dr. Neelam Nath BhatiaGeneral Physician 9 September, 2019 Cardiac patients are given blood thinners so that bloo...
AHA lists 7 common mistakes leading to erroneously high BP measurement . 1 .Having a full bladder can add 10-15 points to your reading. 2 .Slouching, unsupported back or feet....
Hypertension is a systolic blood pressure equal to or greater than 140mm of Hg or diastolic pressure equal to or greater then 90 mm of hg. Features of Hypertension: 1. Headach...
India's first lady Cardiologist, Dr. Padmawati Sivaramakrishna Iyer turned 101yrs on 20th June 2018. She is director of the National Heart Institute, Delhi and the founder president of the A...