PAKISTHANI fake propaganda

Dear all
Request not to be the medium of enemy propaganda or his psy ops to degrade morale of own tps
Plz show strict restraint on spreading any action or media available with u thro social media.
The situation being adequately handled at desired level.
Also pics of Abhinandan Capture must deleted from all of WA Groups with a simple message
*“Remember - Some Pakistani clicked them — you are part of his extended — Indirect network.. Scrutinise your network.. Do not circulate and delete them immediately”*

*Our Responsibilities As Civilians When India Is On High Alert*

For the next six months at least India is under threat of retaliation by our enemies. Here are some ways to behave as a responsible citizen during this time of national emergency.

1. What's done is done. Forwarding jokes is fine but the situation is grim. So let's come back to senses and ask ourselves, "What is my responsibility in a crisis". Understand that *this is an hour of national high alert in India.* STOP and THINK for a moment.

2. "Loose lips, sink ships". *Your facebook, Whatsapp & Instagram messages could go to our enemies within minutes.* if you have friends in defence, DO NOT share their messages to civilian groups. Just be silent for a few months on security matters. Your brilliant insights may be just what the enemy needs to understand the Indian psyche.

4. *Do not photograph or take videos of anything related to local or national security. No selfies with tanks or jawans*. The enemy is monitoring social media activity, city by city and tracking our forces.

5. *Do not take pictures in airports, railway stations, government facilities, etc. or circulate them*.

6. *Do not forward any sensitive videos and if anyone sends it in a group, caution the sender and insist on the admin removing it immediately.*

7. *Be on high alert personally, in public spaces* and in case of any security threat, alert local authorities immediately ( suspicious packages, panicked drivers near sensitive facilities, etc.) Become the eyes and ears of India's security forces.

8. *If you have a flight/train to catch, arrive early* and help make the security checks smooth. Don't throw tantrums and become a headache for the CRPF/security teams there. Instead greet them with a Jai Hind or Thank you, and receive a broad smile.

9. *Prepare yourself to be useful to the country in its time of need.* What can you offer: Learn first aid. Or traffic management. Or volunteer somewhere. Become useful in real life.

10. *Sensitize others* - family, children, youth, drivers, maids, friends, - that this is a time of national emergency. Make them feel their responsibility.

*Google to see what your responsibility is as a civilian in times of war. Share more of what you find. Be a responsible Indian citizen.* more  

View all 23 comments Below 23 comments
*Read The Prime Minister and His Robot Wife** by Jitendra Kumar Sharma on Amazon, a trenchant satire on western style democracy as it prevails in Bharat, that is NOT INDIA. There is a chapter on Universal Basic Income, a dialogue between the PM’s Wife and Bureaucrats.* On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 10:13 PM Sree Kumar wrote: > more  
Agreed! more  
I completely agree with the views stated here. We have to preserve the dignity of our brave hearts. Pakistan anyway, is known for violation of all ethical protocols. So , we need to safeguard our own dignity and status in every situation and never stoop to their levels. We must rename our Nation as United India or Maha Bharat or United Hindostan and experience Prosperity and Knowledge once again like we were before we were invaded and exploited by the Britishers. Jai Bharat! Jai Hind! Regards Latha. On Wed, Feb 27, 2019, 10:29 PM Sree Kumar wrote: > more  
I agree. Let the government and armed forces do their job and keep the nation informed. Let us go about our duties and also be alert for any suspicious activities in our neighborhood more  
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