Plastic Recycling/ disposal/ degradation

It is an indisputable fact that plastic waste is the most destructive waste element we are harbouring today, all over the world.
Its no hidden fact that the 2005 Mumbai rain deluge was caused purely due to clogged drains, sewers and the primary culprit for these being none other than the same plastic bags which we all so whole heartedly accept and devour.
No I am not suggesting we discard plastic altogether. We all acknowledge its multipurpose uses, its positives in terms of its water resistance, high weight carrying capacity, etc. But then what do we do with the waste. How long shall we keep accumulating such waste in our landfills causing harm not only to the environment above but also to that below.
This is not a problem confined to our country alone. Its a universal problem. And people and governments all over the world are researching options to the same.
Here are a few of them which I feel are relevant and implementable.

Our government needs to think over these, and implement something on similar lines at the earliest. more  

Hi Akshay good thoghts with the 2005 Mumbai Deluge.In the 70's and 80's I used to visit Mumbai frequently. It was the city which was in a position to walk away with awards for orderliness : Even in a remote bus stand where just 2 are waiting for the Bus they will stand one behind another. Even in puplic toilet the Q was observed even if it is serpentine. I haven't seen people urinating or children defecating on platforms . That was the most populated city in India , yet the monuments and parks were all kept neat. Now the scenario has changed population and migrant workers. We can't blame them as they come for the lively hood and the locals need them as they offer labour at cheap cost. Who ever are the decision makers have failed to work hard . We should not allow them to blame us the public. Wish you happy Swachh Bharat chatting ! Join the ohther also like Transform Railways , Ayush , Transform India also. more  
thank you. But how do we make the govt. hear it out ? When will they realize the gravity of this problem ? more  
Thanks .excellent article . more  
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