Political Rule in States ruined National & Citizen Economy
-Loot of Govt Funds on PDS, Subsidies, Grant in Aids, Reliefs ever being misappropriated.
-Revenue and Income, Banks & Financial Institutions continuously looted/misappropriated while inspecting authorities ever befitted
-Ever increasing wealth of Luxuries, Transports, Vehicles, Immovable Properties never set for check and Taxing
-Article 31 A misled, Lands under misappropriation resulting in Parallel Rule by Maoists, Naxals, Aggressors necessitating Resurvey and Settle Landed Properties
-Land Treasure continuously misappropriated, mislead looting even Produces
-Article 31 –C has been mislead neglecting its objective derivation and Constitutionally stipulated other relevant Articles which resulted in economic inequality .
-Article 39 –b also mislead and also purposefully neglected which resulted in injustice in equal share of general public
-Article 39 –c also was purposefully set aside due to Hunger/Thirst of Political power which was totally set for Vote Bank Politics AND, THIS HAS RESULTED IN INCREASE OF Economic inequality challenging the Articles 38 (1) , (2) , 14 and 21. WEALTH TAX IMPOSITION with strict vigilant inspections IS A MUST FOR THE UNION GOVERNMENT under this mandate at public interest as a whole.
-Thus, Preamble guarantee for JUSTICE, Social, Economic and Political, the very 1st Top Priority under the Constitution itself was set for a challenge by the ill-full State Political Organizations.
-Constitutional Guarantees, Provisions of Part III and IV are mandatory on State, i.e., Government and Parliament ; individual States i.e., the Government and Legislature of the State AND, provisions, mandates of Articles 14, 15, 16, 21, 31, 32, 39 A, 38, 39 (b) and 39 (c) together with Article 41, 43, 45, 46, 47 and 48 SHALL NOT BE IGNORED/NEGLECTED or keep away from strict enforcement AND, CONCENTRATION OF WEALTH IS DANGEROUS IN ANY COUNTRY and, it ultimately results in Civic Disobedience. Thus, these are the compulsory mandates for all Constitutional Bodies AND, THE RIGHT OF CITIZEN. more