Population Control and Family Planning - Inputs on Solutions
Below are the key issues/causes highlighted by you for lack of Population Control and Family Planning. Kindly review and help identify specific solutions to them.
We will then put together a comprehensive whitepaper which would be shared with all the key Government stakeholders for actions.
We look forward to your inputs!
Population Control and Family Planning - Issues/Root Causes
1. Vasectomy is not being encouraged
2. Sterilization is neither safe nor being promoted/rewarded
3. Government is not focusing on family planning campaigns
4. Stereotypical thinking of India’s people to produce an heir
5. Birth control techniques aren’t being highlighted and presented to rural as well as urban population
6. There is no prevailing reward /penalty system in India
7. Condom advertisement is said to be a curse to culture
8. Adoption is not being encouraged
9. In education, girls are given second priority
10. Some communities have religious obstinacy
11. Awareness campaigns about family planning don’t reach at the grass root level
12. Social advantages and health benefits of having small family aren’t being propagated more