Poverty tourism/Kanjaks in posh colonies
They're in high demands today because of Navratras
Little kids aren't wearing masks and maintaining social distance
Does responsibilities for prevention of Corona are by the government agencies and public has no role to play safe?
Here the invitees are rich and maynot be famous or God fearing!
These pictures are clicked at 8 am and at 12.30 pm today
The show must go on till late in the afternoon
This show ( off) will be repeated tomorrow also
If these people are worshipping poor girls through material goods ,these people may as well teach them to maintain social distancing, to maintain hygiene and to wear masks
Are we sure that innumerable vaccinations tried during past few months 🤔 For prevention of Corona will be successful,
or the efforts of scientists and Corona wariers like police, doctors and nurses will be zilch??
Can we help people who don't want to help themselves?
It's a simple common sense and not rocket science... more
Can you justify the numbers of carriers entering the little homes in a group of 50 plus little girls and women as their friends and mothers? more