What comes out clear from this decision and process of decision is that there are different standards followed in enforcement of laws. Our Constitution provides for equality before Law. Let the Judiciary at the highest level whether Law was implemented both in letter & spirit. more
We wonder why decision was kept pending for such a long period. May be all done to facilitate Sushil Gupta fed money to ArVIND the most corroupt politician to get his election to Rajya Sabha more
Kejriwal has become most corrupt man now . He and his army is grabbing what comes in their way such as office of profit and got the deserving reward. more
May be technically illegal but was practical as who in today's life is ready to work without perks like use of office car etc forget about salary..... more
All are money minded. We, the people, need to choose lesser evil, and office of profit without salary and minor perks may be considered as lesser evils than 2G, Adarsh , common wealth or coal cases. more
Terrible idea to name Motera Stadium after PM Modi. Congress set an awful practice of naming stadiuma, universities, airports, roads & even planetariums after Indira, Rajiv, Sanjay & Nehru....
The anti Modi campaign is now becoming vicious and full of feelings of hate against him. With hate campaigners becoming determined and getting media publicity, there is anxiety now developin...
The so called farmers, by indulging in unprecedented violent acts in Delhi ,have made India’s enemies happy. As usual, those who instigated the innocent farmers and made them agit...
The agitation by section of farmers and their associates in Punjab against the recently enacted farm laws in Parliament by Government of India have been now going on for over 45 days, with no s...
Having been elected with clear majority two times, Prime Minister Modi clearly sees himself as a man of destiny. Obviously, he has firm convictions with regard to economic and social policy and...
The demand over the several decades by various political parties and agricultural economists have been that the exploitation by the middle men (trading houses) should be put down by enacting stro...
It is high time that the journalists and activists should take a good look at their own image in the society and search their conscience whether they have always been neutral and unprejudiced.
Today, what stands between India and high prosperity index is the huge population, which still continues to increase at alarming level. To control the population growth, Prime Minister M...
When the world was attacked by COVID 19 and with no proven drug/vaccine available xfor treating the infected people, social distancing between individuals was advocated as immediate solution to sol...
Now, it appears that both the governments and the public are tired of lockdown. It appears that people have reconciled themselves to live with COVID 19, just as they have been living wi...
It is highly depressing to read news about the local people’s objection to bury / cremate the corona infected deceased persons in their locality. This is happening all over India and par...
By N.S. Venkataraman
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