Private Banks, Insurance companies should be brought under the provisions of RTI Act.
Insurance companies flout IRDA norms and directives for the same reason as do the private banks.
Most frauds, illegal and criminal acts are carried out by some of these private banks and insurance companies as a daily routine and no action is taken by either RBI or IRDA who actually put up the visage of being helpless or in extreme cases impose measly and negligible penalties which these fraudsters easily manage from the public money they hold and without any hindrance.
These private banks and insurance companies go out of the way albeit illegal, to protect their frauds and the employees who assist in such activity are rewarded with promotions, perks etc. etc.
These private banks fraudulently implicate unconcerned persons also to protect their frauds , fabricate, forge signatures and when complaints are lodged they mock a redressal process where no redressal is meant to be provided. The dispute redressal mechanism is mocked only to please the so called regulators like RBI, IRDA etc. as these regulators do not take punitive action but even go out of the way to assist in evading the punitive actions.
When the concerned account holder seeks explanation or documents or information as to how and why such unconcerned persons are implicated or illegally brought into the picture through fake, forged documents instead of remedial measures, these banks and insurance companies take a stand that the seeker is not a customer and that they are not obligated by any law to give the information or explanations.
These fraudulent banks and insurance companies have a panel of outsourced lobbying persons who take care of managing no damage to these banks or insurance companies from consumer courts, police and even the Govt. through favors which may be by way of cash or in kind.
As it is the public money that these private banks and insurance companies are misusing and also deceiving customers, they should be brought under the purview of the RTI Act and should not be allowed to evade.
Public has every right to know what these private banks , insurance companies are doing with public money specially when these are branching into various activities of mutual funds, shares, partnering with vendors for gains of commissions or service charges etc. more