Query pertaining to GST input
1. What if one of our clients needs public relations services in say Nepal, Bangladesh and / or Srilanka and we outsource it to a local company over there ? How will they (the local company) bill us and how will we bill our client ?
2. What if one of our clients needs public relations services in say Meghalaya and we outsource it to a local company over there ? How will they (the local company) bill us ? Will the tax be IGST or CGST & IGST in their bill ? And how do we bill our client if the client is based out of Chennai ? Shall we be entitled to any input of GST ? Kindly help. more
2.You should charge IGST on the client located at Meghalaya.You should also charge IGST on client based out of Chennai.
3.As you are not paying any GST on your input,you will not be entitled to any input credit.However if you are purchasing any thing where you are paying input tax,you are entitled for ITC. more