Hello, Prof. Bhattacharya I read you post & commented too. Now, this particular comment of mine is on the Comment offered by Prof. Umesh Kumar, which is of course, quite well-intensioned. #One of colleagues used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day. On adivise of a Dr., He tried the method of quitting by eating a chocolate ( toffee) whenever he had a desire for a smoke. The result was that he gained several pounds weight. Finally he restarted smoking. As far as i know, later he did quit smoking, ( but I do not know the mothod used by him, as he then was working outside India). #On the other hand, one Prof. Moitra, (a prof. IIT Kharagpur years back ) quit smoking in a day, in fact just in one moment. # Another example ( not quitiing smoking, but quitting drinkin). His Highness Kolhapur ( who was a Trustee of my Publis School, when I was student) quit drinking in a day ( after the Dr told him that he should). # My own experience. When I was young ( years back), I was not a chain smoker, but for days at end, I have smoked 20 cigarette4s a day. Then one fine day I just decided that I should stop for 1 year ( not only smoking, but drinking, which Im used to do occasionally ; also eating Sounf -- Badishep in Marathi, Variyali in Gujarati, Mauri in Bengali -- as well as seeing Movies, which I was very crazy of those days). I successfully did it for 1 year with no problem. Thereafter, I did smoke once in six months for at least a decade, after which I just stopped. I used to dink in Corporate parties sometimes (but vey limited). I did see movies occasionally, and I still eat Sounf occasionally. But, the craze is no more. Prof. Bhattacharya, congrats for quitting. One who does not have sufficient determination can try doing it in stages. S. Naik