Railways Anti Littering Rules - Inputs
(Penalties for activities affecting cleanliness at Railway premises) Rules-2012
Under the current Anti Littering rules, no person shall:
(i) throw or deposit litter in any occupied or unoccupied Railway premises or the carriage except in authorised places
(ii) cook, bathe, spit, urinate, defecate, feed animal or birds, repair or wash vehicles, washing utensils or clothes or any other objects or keep any type of storage in any Railway premises except in such facilities or conveniences specifically provided for any of these purposes
(iii) paste or put up any poster or write or draw anything or matter in any compartment or carriage of the Railway or any premises thereof, without any lawful authority
(iv) indulge in defacing Railway property.
Authorised Vendors/hawkers will make necessary arrangement to keep the container or waste basket for collecting litter and proper disposal of its contents.
Whosoever contravenes any of the provisions of these rules or fails to comply with such provisions shall be punished with a fine which shall not exceed five hundred rupees.
The officials authorised to collect fine mentioned in these rules are:
(i) The Station Master or Station Manager;
(ii) An officer not below the rank of ‘Ticket Collector of the Commercial Department or an officer of equivalent rank of the Operating Department and
(iii) Any other official(s) authorised by the Railway Administration for the purpose of implementing these rules more