Dear Discussion Group, Here are some ground level sugestions to improve quality of services leading to better travel experience of common traveller - 1. Cleanliness : At every railway junction or at higher grade railway station, there should be a officer to inspect hygiene and cleanliness, he should sign off coaches inspected by him for the trains starting off. he should also monitor regular cleaning and hygiene status of the status. Uncovered moving fruit and eatery stalls should be stopped, fixed shops should be encoraged. Tea/Coffee Vending machine should be installed in select trains 2. Long Distance Trains : In long distance trains say running for more than 500 KMs, general compartment should not be appended, instead, general class trains should be run, this reduces burden of fare hike on common man and shall also result in more availability of reserved seats, increasing income, some routes like Delhi-Patna, Delhi-Mumbai can be considered to begin with. Special Corporate Class trains should be devised connecting business cities in office timings. 3. Intertrain Ticket Facilitation must happen, so that in the extreme situation if a train is missed out, on some additional amount, on preference basis, reserved seats can be ensured for a passanger, who missed out the train. 4. Unmanned Crossing Gates : In stagewise manner, Guards should be placed in Unmanned Crossing Gates, This service could be outsourced to local agencies operating from nearby location, such as, near Kanpur area, Kanpur based agency 5. TTE, Train's Guard, Doctor and Security personals name and mobile number should be made available, rather should be stamped on each of Koch. 6. Train Reservation during the journey, Handheld devices should be used to stop in-journey corruption in waitling list confirmation of reservations. 7. Passanger's complaint : Passanger's complaint registered against a TTE or other executives, should be made a component in service book for promotion and continuity of deployment. 8. Contract for services at railway stations should be transparent and quality of service based. Best Regards, Lalit Mishra