So the job at Lucknow has to be taken seriously by the Babus as well as the subordinates after this new initiative . Their innovation shouldn’t be restricted only to mechanical and safety alone . It has also to design appropriate coaches with planned space , seats and berths with sufficient moving space for the 21st Century Indian .
ALL THESE YEARS THE ORGANIZATION HASN’T BEEN RESPONSIVE TO THE NEEDS OF THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC AS THEY HAD FOLLOWED THE DIMENSIONS OF THE 1930’S INDIAN . Leave alone the lower class , even the upper class hasn’t been justified. May be they have taken the new Indian Dimensions into consideration only in high end trains like Shatabdi and so on. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER TRAINS AND CLASSES ?
If only the big Babus had gone out to travel in any of the compartments designed by them they would not have done this mistake approving the same design done decades ago .
One of the condition before approving the design and rolling out ,the staff should travel in the newly designed coaches not just a sample 30 minutes but the overnight journey .
Some changes to be considered :
* Mobile Chargers to be provided with a place to rest the mobiles. At least 4 in a cubicle of 6 or 8 Berths .
* Toilets :Size , positioning of wash equipment’s and dimension of the toilets
Positioning of the mirror wash basin, commode in the wash area. AS THE TOILET DOOR IS OPENED THE PASSENGER SHOULD STEP ONTO A SLIGHTLY RAISED PLATFORM , THAT WILL BE OBVIOUSLY DRY . Mirror and wash basin and the commode should be on the opposite side which will be slightly lower for flow of water. THIS WILL ENCOURAGE THE TOILET USER TO GO INTO TOILET FULLY AND THEN PASS URINE IN THE RIGHT PLACE TO AVOID STINK.
* The ratio of western to Indian toilets . It should be 3:1 Western and Indian in upper classes . And 2: 2; in lower cases. More and more women from the lower socio economic sector prefer to use the western toilet to avoid strain .
* Put an end to cheap fittings in the toilets which don’t last and there is no supervision to check the working or the guarantee period. LEAVE IT TO EACH ZONE FOR QUOTATION SO THE COMPLAINT CAN BE REDRESSED IMMEDIATELY .
* Railings in one of the 4 toilets [ not necessarily exclusive ]in each compartments to assist the physically handicapped and the elderly . The same toilets could be used by others also.
* Make it absolutely mandatory for the designers , the juniors as well as the seniors to travel overnight at least in the existing COMPARTMENTS TO MAKE SURE THAT WHAT IS TO BE DESIGNED AT LEAST SUITS THEM .
Take also the advice suggestions of the passengers [from the circle members ]
Compartments , Berths and seats : They haven’t realized that an average Indian has become taller , broader and obesity isn’t rare .
* Have a few broader seats at the ends at higher cost for comfort as well as to protect the normal ones to have their right to their share of seat.
The gaps between the rows of seats isn’t enough for even the people of average height. and the seating area for 3 or 2 isn’t sufficient in the sitting compartment .
No need for the mirrors in each cubicle ,the passengers can go to the toilet or the Wash basin to comb. more