Rate Central Government Ministries on delivery

Last week your evaluation of whether the addition of ministers will lead to increased governance delivery was in the news everywhere. With this post, we would like you to once again rate various arms of the Central Government on their performance in the last 12 months.

List of Central Government Ministries

With your inputs, do share what is not working and also what needs to be done by that Ministry to make things work better. We look forward to your inputs! more  

View all 144 comments Below 144 comments
How can we say that any government wing is working properly. To say the fact except some state governments, no other ministry in Central government is working properly. Even let me be more specific. They are on the advise of their bosses, are engaged in building up their image with false propaganda. Just take one item, Covid-19 vaccine. So for in India all the vaccines for many diseases are given freely. Hence why they have to boast now that the Covid-19 vaccine is given freely. Next free ration. In Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, for the past 3 decades rice is sold at RS. 2 and Rs1. to all BPL families. If any family spends Rs. 15 or 20, it is not at all important when compared to market prices. Then where comes free ration? We have seen the difficulties and deaths of migrant labours and what action did the government taken. They want to surprise everyone and announced the lock down suddenly and the deaths etc. we have seen. Then the GDP now below all time record. Dont say that it is Covid-19 time. Even small countries like Bangladesh etc are developing. This government wants only the propaganda and want to hang on with the power. No development etc., more  
It's not the quantity that matters but the quality. Number of ministers should not be the issue but how they work and deliver should be given importance. A report card on every minister 's performance should be made available to the general public periodically to keep them on their toes. more  
There should be regular feed back on Public platform regarding all High Cost Projects. Any delay should also be highlighted. Expected Target of Completion should also be given. Govt should bite only what it can chew. So many projects are there lying for years together, where nothing has been done. Dog piecing money allotment should be stopped. more  
What is the use of any number of ministers, if they are not given independence to run their ministries? Only 2 or 3 ministers have such freedom. All others seem to be answerable to PMO which does not auger well well for good governance. more  
Please see my comments and rating for Department of Revenue and Dept. of Financial Services under Ministry of Finance. more  
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