Rate Railway Stations

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Your structured rating will become available for all members of the circle and will be presented to our Railways leadership in a consolidated format to better understand issues and best practices and take actions.

We look forward to your Ratings! more  

View all 36 comments Below 36 comments
Now I'm sitting inSBC-ERS Interciyy exp with out mob ph chg facility in any of the coach ? more  
There is Lift @ PGT but between 3/4 & 1/2 only what People of old age/Diassbled do go out & Get In more  
So the railways could train up 25 % of the cleaning staff to to be vigilant in railway stations and instruct such people to use the bin just before they intend to throw. See the difference in 3 months. more  
Litter in all stations: The defect is in ourselves [meaning the Railways].All of us close our eyes or look the other way when passengers throw litter [cups, food packets ,plastic , package materials of snax] into the tracks . And employ sweepers to get down into the tracks and filth and clean them. WHY NOT USE THE SAME STAFF WHO CLEAN TO ADVICE THE PASSENGERS TO THROW THE TRASH IN THE BINS . YOU SAVE UNWANTED WORK AND SOME MORAL ALSO GOES INTO THOSE DOING IT. Now sir you need to provide trash bins at closer intervals not just 4 or 5. It should be at the rate of 2 trash bins per coach. This should be a duty of the T.T.R.& THE ATTENDANTS . When I noticed one attender throwing trash into the tracks I pointed out bin which was far away . He gave me a bizare look and showed me the sweeper woman. How do you like it ? more  
Dear Mr.Minister , the filth in the Railway terminus stations is not created by the passengers but by the waiting public /unautherized entrants . One can see many barging into the compartments as soon as the train reaches the Terminus. This could be strictly supervised and the load of work of the Sweepers getting into the track and cleaning or picking up. There are some who come in groups who bath in the platforms making the floor slippery . They should be directed towards the pay toilets. There are other groups who do a regular full scale cooking rolling chapathi cooking aloo etc. How are they allowed the stove and the fuel one wonders. These are the duties of the R.P.F.Personnel. more  
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