Remedy for mouth ulcers....

Change of weather from hot summer to humid rainy season tends to produce ulcers in the mouth, especially on the tongue. For cure try the following:

Ripe banana mixed with honey as paste offers relief; apply it on the affected areas.

Hope it's helpful! more  

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Almost all dis-eases are related to our nature. Depending on degree of pressure, it accumulates toxins in some or other place/ organs in body . These toxins can be removed with the help of energy, learning process for some months. See detail at or write to or write for experiencing the effect of energy from distance at 8 p.m. IST IMP - Be Careful About ‘UVR’ These Days. It's Harmful Effect Is Being Sensed In Majority Of Boys Making Them Unfit.. more  
Mouth ulcer- very simple& effective one. Just go to banyan tree (the big tree which grows its sub roots through its branches). Slightly cut anywhere. White fluid so called milk, will come out. Just apply the milk inside your mouth areas using your fingers. If you feel it is difficult for you, then cut small piece of stem and chew & brush up you teeth & mouth. No side effects. Your teeth also gets stronger & no teeth pain. more  
Take homeopathic Borax 30c 8 pills 3 times a day for one week continue another week if necessary ..csrao 9550606916 more  
Thanks for sharing these remedies. It will be nice of Mr.S.Muralidharan and Mr.Parsa Vijay rajeswar Rao to desribe as to how many times the ointmen to be used and how/capsule to be taken,etc., more  
Take a Ear Bud, dip in to Pure Honey, take your tongue out, keep rubbing slowly on affected area. Let the saliva comes out. 2-3 times a day if it is done, U will find relief more  
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