a detailed history and examination with treatment history would be required for a good prescription. You can always try good diet, maybe DASH diet, and moderate physical exercise more
as per your reports you may have dyslipidemia, cardiac dysfunction, gastritis, fatty liver, bronchitis, cerebral atherosclerosis with risk of stroke. other reports are largely ok more
Dr. Mittal, hypertensive, cholestrol was 271, now 212, no sugar, slim/trim Bp generally remained 165-175/90-100 but twice recently shot to 240/120 but came down. On covance-d, amlodipine 5mg, no medicine was working. recently from one month started metolar xr-50 and now bp is 130/80 for last one month. operated for appdx last feb2013 and oventum removed blood deposit in oventum, diverticula formed in intestines that time. this report shown weakness left valve, intentines, lungs, brain nerve, shoulder muscles more
आजकल कोलेस्ट्रो ओर डायाबिटिस कोमन होता जा रहा है। कृपया मैसेज को पढें और अपने दोस्तों को भेजे ओर इस बिमारी से बचो ओर ओरों को भी बचावों ये जानना बहुत जरुरी है.!
Type 2 diabetes: Are Drumstick or Moringa leaves the best home remedy to lower blood sugar levels? Studies have shown that Moringa oleifera or drumstick contains beneficial antioxidants ...
Try These Alternative Therapies To Fight Diabetes Better! While there is no alternative to taking prescription medicines for controlling diabetes, years of research have gone behind to v...
Fight Diabetes With Awareness: 5 Facts That You Should Know Surprisingly, every 1 in 2 adults with diabetes are still undiagnosed. So, this World Diabetes Day, here are some facts to hel...
What is a natural alternative to treat or prevent diabetes? Turmeric has been found to possess anti-diabetes properties. Curcumin the active compound in turmeric has been identified as h...
... -Beer is an alcoholic beverage which is consumed avidly since long worldwide. -Beer contains alcohol, though in less quantity (about 5%), which amounts to about 150 calories.
. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) safety review has recently issued warnings for a commonly used drug for type 2 diabetes. If you are anyone in your family is taking anti-diabetes ...
Dear all ayurveda is the best way of cure diabetes. yoga is the second way of this. please use the madhunashini wati 2 table 2 time. do the curve aasana and mandukaasana regularly. aftere 1 ...
. Why Are Diabetics Advised To Keep Their Feet Clean And Free From Bruises? - People who have diabetes for over 10 years, tend to have damaged nerves in their legs and feet because ...
Can A Diabetic Person Go Into Coma Due To Low Sugar Level? Yes, a person can go into a coma due to low blood sugar level. Sugar levels can become low in diabetic patients as well as in n...
The main aim of the Local Circles is to guide and provide assistance to other members by sharing their experiences and expertise. This is what expected of us: "Don't keep great exp...
By Pritam Sharma
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