Whether it is RBI, Banks, Financial Institutions, Companies, Business Enterprises, it is inevitable to safeguard from going into Insolvency. Country has already lost its highest due to closure of Thousands of Small, Hundreds of Medium and Large Scale Industries which became Sick in 80s and 90s. SISI also neglected a lot in 90s and even later. The root cause of Industrial sickness beyond the effects of climate, recession in the markets, non funding Working Capital gap in such periods and, due to accrued losses, the institution becomes SICK and also fell into provisions of Bad and Doubtful Debts, Insolvency etc., while the second reason is unplanned incorporation of Units without proper and guaranteed Markets. Whatever it may be, it shall be the duty of Enterprises, Financial Institutions, Financing Banks as well as the RBI and the Governments. One who neglects in losses, permits continued losses, leave off Sickness to the Enterprise/Banks connected, are not to be patronized since the concept of Business shall be the Profit motto AND NOT SHOW/CONCEDE TO LOSSES. In this process, Working Capital Banks, Term Loans Financial Institutions , RBI as well as Indian Economic Council/GOI become fully responsible since the Businesses are run with 60 to 70% Funds of Financial Institutions ; 60 to 67% W.C. Bank Loans WHICH ARE DEFINITELY THE PART OF PUBLIC SAVINGS AND NATIONAL FINANCES to help the Industries, Businesses, Enterprises perform and gain profits and Build National Economy as a whole. Therefore, neither the Enterprises and Banks, nor the Financial Institutions and the RBI , opt to be away from the responsibility and mandates of the Ruling Body of the Nation in whatever the name authorised or, the very Executive. Then only there will be eradication of Financial Frauds, Misuses and Misappropriations on vigilant Operational Systems. Responsibility, Accountability, Ethics and Transparency shall be the motto for all connected with all sorts of Funds and Finances. Sri Vijay Malya had accepted to pay off 9,000 Crores Overdues only after knowing about the Court Judgment to send him off to India. Even then, he is preferring waive of interest. Certainly he had much more assets backed by him. In a recent declaration of such NPA of 2015, as against Overdues of beyond 3 thousand Crores, E.D. could now attach only 78 Crores i.e., ONLY ABOUT 20% . How the balance 3 thousand Crores could be borne by the public and the Nation ? . To who many Companies ? . All these are to be understood wisely and sincerely with dedication on the National Interest by all please .