Reversing diabetes -new castle university
New castle Magnetic Resonance centre is an affiliate of New Castle University in United Kingdom.They have published an article on the topic of diabetic 2.The article highlights essentially the following
1.our body has different levels of tolerence for fat in liver and pancreas Too much fat withinin lever and pancreas affects normal action of insulin and insulin secretion.Both are reversible.
3 In people whohave had diabetes for four years or less major weight loss returns insulin secretion to normal
4 Diabetes is not inevitably progressive or life long
I am posting here the full text of the
article “Reversing type 2 Diabetes”for detailed reading by those who are interested.
“Newcastle Magnetic Resonance Centre
Reversing Type 2 Diabetes
Our work has shown that type 2 diabetes is not inevitably progressive and life-long. We have demonstrated that in people who have had type 2 diabetes for 4 years or less, major weight loss returns insulin secretion to normal.
It has been possible to work out the basic mechanisms which lead to type 2 diabetes. Too much fat within liver and pancreas prevents normal insulin action and prevents normal insulin secretion. Both defects are reversible by substantial weight loss.
A crucial point is that individuals have different levels of tolerance of fat within liver and pancreas. Only when a person has more fat than they can cope with does type 2 diabetes develop. In other words, once a person crosses their personal fat threshold, type 2 diabetes develops. Once they successfully lose weight and go below their personal fat threshold, diabetes will disappear.
Some people can tolerate a BMI of 40 or more without getting diabetes. Others cannot tolerate a BMI of 22 without diabetes appearing, as their bodies are set to function normally at a BMI of, say 19. This is especially so in people of South Asian ethnicity.
Information for people with diabetes
•Download the information leaflet: Reversing Type 2 Diabetes (PDF: 286KB)
•Get sample vegetable recipes and meal plans from the Reversing Diabetes Low Calorie Diet Programme (PDF: 375KB) devised by Miss Karen Heron, Dietician, Newcastle Diabetes Centre. More information on low calorie diets is available from the Diabetes UK website.
•The British Heart Foundation provide advice on weight loss.
•Read Richard Doughty's personal story Type 2 diabetes and the diet that cured me on the Guardian website, including a video interview of another personal story and an update from Richard, I reversed my diabetes in just 11 days, on the Mail Online.
Information for your doctor
It is important that people with diabetes discuss their management with their own doctor. It will take years for this new knowledge to become incorporated into textbooks and guidelines, so your doctor may be wary of information from the internet.
Newcastle University researchers have written some notes for you to take to your doctor. Download our information sheet for doctors on the practical management of type 2 diabetes in respect of reversal (PDF: 220KB).
Further Reading
•In 2008, we published the Twin Cycle Hypothesis to explain the cause of type 2 diabetes. This hypothesis predicted that diet could entirely reverse type 2 diabetes. Read our scientific review, Pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes on the US National Library of Medicine website.
•A clinical study designed to test the hypothesis was funded by Diabetes UK. The results were very clear. Weight loss averaging 15kg (2 stone 5lb) achieved over 8 weeks caused two distinct sets of changes. Within 7 days, liver fat had fallen by 30%, liver insulin sensitivity had returned to normal and fasting blood glucose had become normal. By 8 weeks, pancreas fat content had returned to normal and insulin secretion by the pancreas had returned to normal. Read the full scientific paper, Reversal of type 2 diabetes and the related Newcastle University Press Release, Diet Reverses Type 2 Diabetes.
•This new understanding of what causes type 2 diabetes and how it can be completely reversed has been used by individuals worldwide, a report has been published documenting practical management of type 2 diabetes in respect of reversal (PDF: 84KB).
•Professor Taylor was awarded the 2012 Banting Lectureship of Diabetes UK. Read his lecture Reversing the twin cycles of Type 2 diabetes (PDF: 543KB).
•Scientists and doctors with access to the journal Diabetes Care, can read a full review of the science underlying this matter: Type 2 diabetes: etiology and reversibility. more