Review of VIKALP option by IRCTC
Take my last journey for example. While booking tickets from Kanpur to Ghaziabad, I opted for VIKALP & chose all trains in the post 4.30 hrs. The train originally booked for was to depart at 9.00pm and charting got done at 5.00pm, showing 'Waitlisted'.
Now, anyone in such situation would decide to buy general ticket and travel in the same train or he may choose to travel in any train before or after it, because waiting till the charting of all VIKALP trains is a risk of still not getting the ticket confirmed. but now, the problem is that he has opted for vikalp option so IR may allot him a seat in any alternate train departing after 9.00pm and in such case, IRCTC will not refund the person's money because they have given him a confirmed seat while that is now, useless for that person as he has already taken his journey in another train and also bought a separate general ticket. so for that vacant berth, IRCTC will earn the reservation amount and this is a proven scam by IRCTC. so, I want to ask what is people's opinion and their past experiences regarding the vikalp option....
have they ever got the confirmed tickets using that option or they travelled in general class having a fear in mind that what would happen if the get a seat in an alternate train after they have taken their journey. more