Root Causes for cleanenss
1.All zones should be privatize.
2.Railways staff does not care for anyone as their services are secured and no one can do any thing to them whether they do their job or not.Hence railways employees will never improve unless and until they have fear about their career.
3.Frequent hard discipline action required in railways staff.
4. Inadequate staff for cleaning.
5.Inadequate tools provided to cleaning staff.
6.Lack of supervision on cleaning staff.
7.TTE in train does not monitor the cleaning facilities and he is not accountable for cleaning of their coaches.
8.Even when passengers complaint to TTE he takes it casual.
9.Rat catchers are not provided and adopted in AC coaches.
10. Cockroach are not treated hard as the cleaning staff are not provided with killing sprayer.
11.Inadequate cleaning soap in Toilet.
12.At intermittent station toilet are not cleaned.
NOTE:- The only solution to all these problems would be to Privatize all heads in railways as early as possible. more