Early to bed and early to rise.
• 9PM to 6AM is the bed time to rest body and mind both. 10PM to
midnight is the most effective period.
• On getting up in the morning have plenty of water (preferably stored
overnight in copper container).
• Meals should consist of wholesome food and half the stomach capacity
along with sufficient water. Reheated food does not remain wholesome.
• Fast/junk food as well as fried & baked items should be avoided as they
are not whole-some.
• Meals must have (at least) 6 hours interval in between; in the
meantime, some snacks may be had if necessary.
• Weekly one meal should be missed to refresh digestive system.
• No meals within 3 hours before bed-time; may take some milk/seasonal
local fruit (not preserved in cold-storages) in case of need before sleep.
• Cold-drinks/Ice cream may be had after 1½ to 2 hours interval from
• Banish beverages, alcoholic drinks, eggs, non-veg items and smoking
from routine consumption.
• Please note that AYURVED is not a medicinal Treatment System. It is
our Philosophy or Science of Healthy Living. Follow it and enjoy
health whole of our Lives. more  

View all 44 comments Below 44 comments
Sir, The information you have provided is extremely useful for a disciplined way of eating and living. Please load Part II of Health Chalisa. I find Part I has been repeated in the post. more  
As per Ayurveda practice , we should avoid drinking water till half an hour after the meals. the water not only dilutes the digestive fluids but also diminishes the JATHARAGNI . The frozen foods or left over foods in the fridge after reheating become TAMSIC . Besides there are are many dos and donts in combination of foods. more  
Mohit Pande ji n other members Health Chalisa Part II H E A L T H C H A L I S A ( PART -II, MENTAL/SPIRITUAL HEALTH) (PLZ. READ/FOLLOW CAREFULLY AND LET OTHERS AS WELL) 1.Seeds of Thoughts sprout as-feelings-words-actions-habits sanskars,Personality.So,care to avoid Waste/Negative thoughts. 2.Avoid Competition/Comparison.Give yr best n leave rest on HIM. Aspire/Progress as much as you can,but with contentment within, adopting honest means to enjoy the journey of life,which is much more important than Death-the destination. 3.Hobbies rob us off our easily. So find time to enjoy them,off n on. 4.GOD/RELIGION are not in Temples/Mosques/Churches,but in our hearts and minds n obeyed thru good Thoughts,Words n Actions. Meet'HIM'every moment among all Creatures on Globe.Every Soul is guided by C/Forward of past LIFE sanskars.Better not murmur but settle, gladly. 5.Share Joys/Sorrows with HIM, HE is Always available,Listens/ Responds/Guides/Cares/Keeps our Secrets,more than our Best Friend or Wife. Never scolds, providing unconditional love,always. 6.Shed ego and lust to shed all stress and miseries in life. 7.STRESS IS GOOD,ONLY/TILL IT SOLVES OUR PROBLEMS. 8.Forgive/forget self/others.Have harmony with in and with out. 9.Back Biting/Negative feelings for others,weaken our soul Sure/First/Last/Most. 10.No Ailment has strength enough to overpower us,except when we ourselves accept its defeat,surrender in ignorance/despair/fear. 11.Don't worry about things,you can do nothing about.Also don't worry about Things you can do something about,Just do that something. Worry for the un and underprivileged, if you have to. 12.Good thing about bad things is that they come to an end. Bad thing about good things is also that they come to an end. 13.Don't worry on small things,since every thing is a small thing. BUT DON'T CONSIDER CLEANLINESS A SMALL THING,IT'S NEXT ONLY TO GODLINESS. SO maintain A TREE TO GREEN N HOLD A BROOM TO CLEAN ENVIRONMENT,SO ALSO the MIND. 14.Lose Weight,Not ANGER.It is just One letter short of "D"ANGER. 15.Observe SILENCE not only of the Mouth,but also of Mind,Listen to the SOUND OF SILENCE (Anhad shabad chanting 24x7x365. 16.Critic is our Unpaid Employee,Listen to him carefully,if not abide,But don't criticize just for criticism,it weakens our soul power FIRST n MOST. 17.Appreciations Inspire,but keep flatterers at bay. 18.Happy is not he,who gets he wants,but he,who retains,he has. 19.Illuminate to dispel darkness of illiteracy,ignorance all around. Don't much populate.Develop Skill to have some Value/Weight. 20.DO ALL THE GOOD YOU CAN, BY ALL THE MEANS YOU CAN, IN ALL THE WAYS YOU CAN, IN ALL THE PLACES YOU CAN, AT ALL THE TIMES YOU CAN,TO ALL THE PEOPLE YOU CAN AS LONG AS YOU CAN,YOU ARE JUST FULFILLING 'HIS' PLAN. ( PROMISE TO ABIDE BY THESE 40 TO FEEL ALWAYS 20 AND LEAD A CONTENTED,HAPPY,HEALTHY N PEACEFUL LIFE) IF YOU COULD MAIL/Whats App THIS HEALTH CHALISA AMONG SCHOOLS/COLLEGES/HOSPITALS/PATIENTS/OTHERS. (HINDI VERSION FOLLOWS,SOON) more  
Mohit Pande ji, I had prepared a Health Chalisa Part I-Physical Health and Part-II- Mental/spiritual/emotional health, to be followed by myself, which I narrate one by one for the benefit of members: (DON'T THROW THIS PAPER. DISTRIBUTE COPIES AS MANY AS U CAN AMONG OTHERS) H E A L T H C H A L I S A ( PART I ) (PHYSICAL HEALTH) 1.Early to Bed( by 9-10 PM),Early to Rise(by 4-5 AM) and Remember/Thank HIM at least Twice 2.Sit n Sip 1to 3 Glass Water daily,(pref.Kept in Copper Vessel Overnight or lukewarm),Empty stomach 3.Morning/Even. Walk Barefoot/Jog/Yog/Pranayam,Deep Breathing,Kapal Bhati, Anulom Vilom,Shav Aasan-Minimum 30 minutes at Roof/Park/Garden. Morning Yoga/Pranayam is the only solution to beat all round pollution - STARE at RISING SUN,gives Energy/Better EYE VISION. HAVE SUN BATH IN WINTER TO GET VITAMIN D FOR CALCIUM ABSORPTION. 4.CLAP n LAUGH as much as u can,NOT at OTHERS,at Self FOR FOLLIES N FUN. 5.Clean Teeth/Tongue(so at night),Massage Gums,Bathe rubbing,Splash Water on Eyes. 6.Breakfast of Raw Fruits/Juice/Veg/Sprouts-Moong,Moth,soaked-Almond,Walnut,Fig -DIABETICS EXCUSE STARCHY/SWEET/FRUITS/FOOD.HAVE CITRUS/ SOUR/BITTER FRUITS/VEG/KARELA/NEEM/METHI DANA N GREEN. 7.Have RAW Green/Leafy Veg Salad/Fruits,An Hour Before Lunch/Dinner,or when hungry.Have ONE CITRUS FRUIT-AMLA/LEMON/ORANGE,Daily to Care Teeth/Gums/Cold/Hair/allergen. 8.ENJOY Saatvic,Nutritious,Balanced Lunch,Well Chewed,at Fixed Time, 9.Sit in VAJRA-AASAN or Lie Left Side for Ten Minutes,after Every Meals. 10.Weekly Oil Massage-Whole Body and Bathe with Lukewarm water. 11 Drink More/Pure Water Min.3 liters(Summer),2 liters(Winter) daily,to keep urinal Infections/Stones/Toxins away,BUT NOT During/Hour Before/After Meals. 12.WEEKLY KITCHEN HOLIDAY (better full day or one-two times)-Raw fruits/veg/lemon-honey-water,No salt/No sugar,no oils/no milk/products. 13.Avoid Oily/Spicy/Market-prepared/foods/Tikki/Samosa/Burger Pizza/Sweets/Maida or Besan fried Products. 14.Avoid Tea/Coffee/Cold/Soft Drinks/Market Juice/Cut Fruits/Unsafe Water 15.Avoid Deep fried/Preserved/Processed/Flavored/Fast/Junk/ Chemical based/Canned Foods 16.Avoid Crystal Sugar/salt/Ice-Creams/Milk/Products,Sea Salts.Use Sendha Namak. All plant grown foods in natural form contain adequate amount of Salt,Sugar, oils,calcium,protein in simple easily digestible form.Hence we don't need much of additional/outside Sugar and n outside salt we need hardly 2.5 gm to 5 gm daily that too potassium chloride and not sodium chloride) for which Sendha Namak (Rock Salt),is the Best. 17.Avoid Tobacco/Smoking/Alcoholic Drinks/Gutka/Pan Masala/Drugs.Avoid More Medicines- Our body already has the mechanism of self healing,few ayurvedic/herbs/natural life style shall help,but allopathic medicines just keep the patient a patient throughout his life and do not cure the disease,but only control/managecomplicate the self healing process of the body,(DON'T THROW THIS PAPER. DISTRIBUTE COPIES AS MANY AS U CAN AMONG OTHERS) H E A L T H C H A L I S A ( PART I ) (PHYSICAL HEALTH) 1.Early to Bed( by 10 PM),Early to Rise(by 4-5 AM) and Remember/Thank HIM at least Twice. 2.Sit n Sip 1-3 Glass Water(pref.Kept in Copper Vessel Overnight or lukewarm),Empty stomach. 3.Morning/Even. Walk Barefoot/Jog/Yog/Pranayam,Deep Breathing,Kapal Bhati, Anulom Vilom,Shav Aasan-Minimum 30 minutes at Roof/Park/Garden. Morning Yoga/Pranayam is the only solution to beat all round pollution - STARE at RISING SUN,gives Energy/Better EYE VISION. HAVE SUN BATH IN WINTER TO GET VITAMIN D FOR CALCIUM ABSORPTION. 4.CLAP n LAUGH as much as u can,NOT at OTHERS,at Self FOR FOLLIES N FUN. 5.Clean Teeth/Tongue(so at night),Massage Gums,Bathe rubbing,Splash Water on Eyes. 6.Breakfast of Raw Fruits/Juice/Veg/Sprouts-Moong,Moth,soaked-Almond,Walnut,Fig -DIABETICS EXCUSE STARCHY/SWEET/FRUITS/FOOD.HAVE CITRUS/ SOUR/BITTER FRUITS/VEG/KARELA/NEEM/METHI DANA N GREEN. 7.Have RAW Green/Leafy Veg Salad/Fruits,An Hour Before Lunch/Dinner,or when hungry.Have ONE CITRUS FRUIT-AMLA/LEMON/ORANGE,Daily to Care Teeth/Gums/Cold/Hair/allergen. 8.ENJOY Saatvic,Nutritious,Balanced Lunch/Meals,Well Chewed,at Fixed Time,pref. twice a day. 9.Sit in VAJRA-AASAN or Lie Left Side for Ten Minutes,after Every Meals. 10.Weekly Oil Massage-Whole Body and Bathe with Lukewarm water. 11 Drink More/Pure Water Min.3 liters(Summer),2 liters(Winter) daily,to keep urinal Infections/Stones/Toxins away,BUT NOT During/Hour Before/After Meals. 12.WEEKLY/Half day KITCHEN HOLIDAY- only Raw fruits/veg/lemon-honey-water,No salt/No sugar,no oils/no milk/products. 13.Avoid Oily/Spicy/Market-prepared foods/Tikki/Samosa/ Burger/Pizza/Sweets/Maida or Besan fried Products. 14.Avoid Tea/Coffee/Cold/Soft Drinks/Market Juice/Cut Fruits/ Unsafe Water/eatables 15.Avoid Deep Fried/Preserved/Processed/Flavored/Fast/ Junk/Chemical/Canned Foods 16.Avoid Sugar,(esp in Crystal form)/Salt/Ice-Creams/ Milk/Products,Sea Salts.Use Sendha Namak. All plant grown foods in natural form contain adequate amount of Salt,Sugar,in simple easily digestible form.Hence we don't need additional/outside Sugar n need hardly 2.5 gm to 5 gm daily of Outside Salt(potassium chloride) for which Sendha Namak(Rock Salt),is the Best. 17.Avoid Tobacco/Smoking/Alcoholic Drinks/Gutka/Pan Masala/Drugs.Avoid More Medicines- Our body already has the mechanism of self healing,few ayurvedic/herbs/natural life style shall help,but allopathic medicines, complicate the self healing process of the body, never cure the disease,but only manage/control the disease,giving numerous side effects BUY ONE GET FIVE FREE,so that patient adopting allopathy always remain patient,till death. 18.Avoid Using White Eatables At Night-Curd,Rice,Milk,Ice-Cream,Radish -Also Avoid un-matching Meals Together like-Fish/Meet,Radish,Kheera/Watermelon/ Musk-melon/lemon/Curd/ Lassi WITH Milk/Milk Products.-All plant grown things don't contain bad cholesterol-LDL,whereas they do contain the good cholesterol-HDL,but this is not case with Egg,Non-Veg foods or even BUFFALO or COW Milk contain BOTH GOOD n Bad forms of cholesterol,hence not easily digestible. 19. Have,Light Dinner,Before Sun-Set or 2 Hours Before Sleep, Can Skip if U Plz. -To counter the acidity,toxins,high B.P, kidney infections/stones,must have coconut water+Lemon juice n white pumpkin juice,empty stomach,that are very alkaline in nature. Use almost daily two pieces of laung(clove),few pcs of Methi dana,dalchini,Green Haldi/ginger,amla,aloevera,tulsi,neem,giloy 20. Use Husked/Unpolished Pulses like-Moong,Arhar,Masoor Black Gram,not Rajmah,Urad Husked Multi Grain Floor,Brown Rice,Less in Summer,More in Winter. -Avoid use of Zinc/Aluminium vessels for cooking,use Stainless Steel or Earthen Wares. Avoid all types of Polymer products that are Non-biodegradable and highly toxic materials, hence main source of pollution.Instead use the Paper bags/Cloth bags,Biodegradable products,Glass wares or China clay products. For more details download/read a book written by Mr.Darryl D'Souza at his more  
Thanks Mohit Pande ji, Members like you, Dr. Raja Chandra and Pritam Sharma ji provide beauty to such circles, with your most valuable,pious and experienced thought/views. Salute to your nice effort,for improvement in society. more  
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