Sanitary Napkin & Diaper disposal

A major and absolutely unaddressed issue is waste generated from use of Diapers and Sanitary napkin. My experience in reforms at ULB (Corporation and Municipality) level over the last 10 years in Bengal, Bihar and now Odisha shows that a major source of drain and sewage clogging is indiscriminate flushing down / dropping of Diapers and Sanitary Napkins in toilets and drains.
As part of SWM, garbage disposal in most ULBs does not practically separate bio-medic and sanpro items also -- needless to say, it is a major source of health hazard.
Statistics show that only 12% of India's 355 million menstruating women use sanitary napkins. The target of the Govt. & Development Agencies is to bring the over 88% of women who resort to alternatives like unsanitised cloth, ashes and husk sand under the ambit of Sanpro usage, mostly in the non-Metro city, small town and village level.
A normal woman potentially uses above of 10000 sanitary napkins during her lifetime. even taking a moderate 5000 figure, the volume of waste generated is colossal.......
Panchayat & Municipality level initiative needs to be taken for proper, hygienic and eco-friendly, non-clogging dispersal and destruction of such bio-waste, at the earliest more  

Waste management should be done as is being done in US segregation, 3 times lifting per week from house by deploying garbage vans. There should be no soil dump anywhere in the city. The vans collecting should transfer garbage so collected to big lorry type vehicles for final disposal. No open garbage bins anywhere. Strict fine I poised for people littering. Volunteers shd be roped in like sr citizens to monitor till all thus be cones a practice more  
Mass mobilisation of women volunteers / campaigners is required to break taboo and remove inherent shame in disposal methodology of Sanpro waste..... more  
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