see most polluted cities of the world

Seven of the top 10 most polluted cities in the world are in India, according to a new study showing South Asia’s battle with deteriorating air quality and the economic toll it’s expected to take worldwide.

Gurugram led all cities in pollution levels in 2018, even as its score improved from the previous year, according to data released by IQAir AirVisual and Greenpeace. Ghaziabad, Noida and Faridabad also in there.

It is shameful that no Govt body in India is taking ownership of this. Classic example of systemic failure in India. more  

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Reckless urbanization without caring for OZONE, developing congested colonies & localities, free hands to diesel driven passenger cars and free hands to the decades old diesel driven small and heavy motor vehicles to ply on roads making the entire area they ply in heavily polluted are the main causes. Moreover, our subsequent governments had paid scant attention towards this most important area of public health. However, as responsible citizens of the country, we should also actively participate and assist the government in bringing down this public health evil to the acceptable label. more  
Alarming situation. minimize the list should be a poll agenda of political party and GOVT. more  
Madam, Please peruse my article on NO OZONE in the following list.  from M.A.Padmanabha Rao, PhD(AIIMS) New Delhi 110018   sir   The following is mybreakthrough research in Astrophysics, modern physics, specially onsuperluminal velocities etc. Some of them are Articles in Researchgate. If anyarticles are of interest to you, I would be glad to send it in proper formatthat you desire. If found worthy, please pass on to research students. Pleasepermit me to send the following research material. If you do not wish toreceive any material from me in future, I will not send again. We may address cosmic objects bydifferent names like black hole, Supernova, neutron stars etc. There are namedaccording to their physical appearance. However, the underlying phenomenon whattakes place in general in cosmic sources has evaded Astrophysicists previously.For the first time, the breakthrough research since 1988 mentioned in thefollowing unfolds that 235-uranium fission takes place in general in cosmicsources. M.A.Padmanabha Rao's World Records in Science: Ten FundamentalDiscoveries in Nuclear Physics, X-ray Physics, Atomic Spectroscopy, SolarPhysics, Special Theory of Relativity, IIand Planetary Temperature reported in2010, 2013 and 2015 in six research papers.  DISCOVERY OF BHARAT RADIATION EMISSION FROMRADIOISOTOPES, XRF (X-ray Fluorescent) SOURCES IS REPORTED IN THE FOLLOWINGTHREE RESEARCH PAPERS.  THE FOLLOWING PAPER CLAIMS SIX FUNDAMENTALPHYSICS DISCOVERIES. In the following paper, Bharat Radiation emission fromradioisotopes and XRF sources was predicted in 2010  1.M.A.Padmanabha Rao, UV dominant opticalemission newly detected from radioisotopes and XRF sources, Braz.J. Phy., 40, no 1, 38¬46, 2010.   .  DETAILSOF THESE SIX FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS DISCOVERIES Bharatradiation and UV dominant optical radiation emissions discovered fromradioisotopes and XRF (X-ray fluorescent) sources, Discovery,Volume 4, Number 10, April 2013   UNCOMMONEXPERIMENTAL SET UP THAT HELPED IN MAKING 3 EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICSDISCOVERIES  TWOLATEST SOLAR PHYSICS DISCOVERIES IN 2013 M.A.Padmanabha Rao's7th DISCOVERY: Sun’s Bharat Radiation emission.  In thefollowing research paper definite evidence on existence of Bharat Radiationwavelengths was reported in 2013.  2. M.A.Padmanabha Rao, Discoveryof Sun’s Bharat Radiation emission causing Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) and UVdominant optical radiation, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics(IOSR¬JAP), Volume 3, Issue 2 (Mar. – Apr. 2013), PP 56¬60, III. Thefollowing paper reports235Uranium fission taking place on Sun’s coresurface generates Bharat Radiation, in turn causing Sunlight.  M.A.PadmanabhaRao's 8th DISCOVERY: 235¬Uranium fission causing Sunlight. |  3.M.A.Padmanabha Rao, Discovery of Self ¬Sustained 235¬U Fission Causing Sunlight by Padmanabha Rao Effect, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR¬JAP), Volume 4, Issue 2 (Jul. – Aug. 2013), PP 06¬24, |   |   | Article inresearchgate DISCOVERYOF TWO NEW EMISSIONS FROM RADIOISOTOPES (2010) No evidence of Fe or He-II in solar spectrum,so no fusion on Sun Astrophysics relies on the theory of fusion, evolved in anera, when existence of neutron is not known (PDF) No evidence of Fe or He-II insolar spectrum, so no fusion on Sun Astrophysics relies on the theory offusion, evolved in an era, when existence of neutron is not known   News from Swedish News Agency in 2008 BHARAT RADIATION WAS PREDICTED FOR NOBELPRIZE IN 2008  Article: Discoveryof Bharat radiation emission from radioisotopes, XRF (X-ray fluorescent)sources, and Sun. Articles posted inresearchgate Fissiontakes place commonly in cosmic sources. The following articles are on furtherresearch to the paper published in 2013. | M.A.Padmanabha Rao,Discovery of Self ¬Sustained 235¬U Fission Causing Sunlight by Padmanabha Rao Effect, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR¬JAP), Volume 4, Issue 2 (Jul. – Aug. 2013), PP 06¬24, |   |   |  Article in researchgate: Myrevolutionary breakthroughs in Astrophysics. 235Uranium fission takesplace in sun, all the 21 gamma constellations, x-ray emitting cosmic sources,collision of neutron stars EMISSIONS FROM COLLISION OF NEUTRONSTARS OWE TO 235-URANIUM FISSION  Articlein researchgate: Definite evidences on235 Uranium fission takes place in Black Holes  THE FIRSTIDENTIFICATION OF BLCK HOLES by M.A.Padmanabha Rao, PhD (AIIMS)  SupermassiveBlack Holes Are Outgrowing Their Galaxies Supermassive Black Holes AreOutgrowing Their Galaxies | Request PDF   DiscoveryOf 235-uranium Fission Taking Place In Collision Of Neutron Stars CauseGravitational Waves And Electromagnetic Radiations Article inresearchgate: Definite evidences on235- Uranium fission taking place in Supernova.   URANIUMFISSION TAKES PLACE IN SUPERNOVA COSMICRAYS MYSTERY RESOLVED AND UNFOLDING 235^URANIUM FISSION IN ETA CARINAE  Definite evidences on235 Uranium fission takes place in Black Holes Commonemissions from radioisotopes, XRF sources, and Sun BREAKTHROUGH RESEARCH IN ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS &PLANETARY TEMPERATURES IN 2015  M.A.Padmanabha Rao, Allthe Sunlight that Earth Receives is not directly from Sun,InternationalJournal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4,Issue 11, November 2015, DOI>10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0411050  M.A.PadmanabhaRao’s 10th Physics Discovery  M.A.Padmanabha Rao, Discoveryof Padmanabha Rao Effect controlling planetary temperatures, InternationalJournal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4,Issue 12, December 2015, DOI>10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0412129.  Articlebased on the above two papers:  HOT NEWS - NO OZONELAYER    LATESTRESEARCH REVEAL OZONE LAYER DOES NOT EXIST  Thefirst ever explanation on how seasons are generated, May 2018.  Revolutionarybreakthrough in modern physics.  M. A. Padmanabha Rao’s9th Physics Discovery: SUPERLUMINAL VELOCITIES OF X¬-RAYS and BHARAT RADIATION. MA.Padmanabha Rao, M.A. Padmanabha Rao, Discovery of superluminal velocities ofX-¬rays and Bharat Radiation challenging the validity of Einstein’s formula E=mc^2, IOSRJournal of Applied Physics (IOSR¬JAP), .Volume 4, Issue 4 (Sep. ¬ Oct. 2013),PP 08¬14, Einstein's assertion, 'light goes atmaximum speed' proved wrong as superluminal velocities are real.'s_assertion_'light_goes_at_maximum_speed'_proved_wrong_as_superluminal_velocities_are_real?fbclid=IwAR0IncfUTtbKW39smSmGMg-evcRTcf49q4cy12iQ2w5TOQFGt6x2Wwx2OWw  Revolutionarybreakthrough in Modern Physics.  Einstein'sformula E=mc 2 challenged by optical emissions in collision of neutron starsled to modification as E = mV2  WHYEINSTEIN’S FAMOUS FORMULA E=mc^2 NEEDS A CHANGE? It is based on early arrivalof blue light than red light from collision of neutron stars.'S_FAMOUS_FORMULA_Emc2_NEEDS_A_CHANGE_It_is_based_on_early_arrival_of_blue_light_than_red_light_from_collision_of_neutron_stars Aheadof Einstein - Modified formula by M.A. Padmanabha Rao. Revolutionarybreakthrough in modern physics. Einstein's assertion, 'light goes at maximumspeed' proved wrong as superluminal velocities are real.'s_assertion_'light_goes_at_maximum_speed'_proved_wrong_as_superluminal_velocities_are_real CERN'SCLAIM ON NEUTRINOS SUPERLUMINAL VELOCITY IS CORRECT'S_CLAIM_ON_NEUTRINOS_SUPERLUMINAL_VELOCITY_IS_CORRECT  TOPS THE WORLD IN FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICSDISCOVERIES. BriefProfile of India's Current Scientific Discoverer, M.A. Padmanabha Rao, PhD(AIIMS)'s_Current_Scientific_Discoverer_MA_Padmanabha_Rao_PhD_AIIMS   On Tuesday, 5 March, 2019, 11:18:49 AM IST, Vinita Agrawal wrote: more  
On Tuesday, 5 March, 2019, 11:19:32 AM IST, Vinita Agrawal wrote: more  
Friends, besides the SPM, for which mother nature has provided all human beings n animals with soft hairs filters in the nostrils to filter such particles while breathing n the nostrils inner mucus membranes which always wet , to some extent it also helps such particles not to enter the windpipe n lungs, under normal conditions. Once it crosses it's TLV it poses threat for all human beings. But besides this the carbon also a big threat . Look at the following report on carbon footprint : Toggle navigation News India 4th highest emitter of CO2: Study PTI Updated on December 06, 2018 India is the fourth highest emitter of carbon dioxide. File Photo India is the fourth highest emitter of carbon dioxide. File Photo | Photo Credit: DAVID GRAY India is the fourth highest emitter of carbon dioxide in the world, accounting for 7 per cent of global emissions in 2017, a study said on Wednesday. The top four emitters in 2017, which covered 58 per cent of global emissions, were China (27 per cent), the US (15 per cent), the European Union (10 per cent) and India (7 per cent), according to the projection by the Global Carbon Project. The rest of the world contributed 41 per cent last year, it said. India’s emissions look set to continue their strong growth by an average of 6.3 per cent in 2018, with growth across all fuels — coal (7.1 per cent), oil (2.9 per cent) and gas (6.0 per cent), the study said. The top 10 emitters were China, the US, the EU, India, Russia, Japan, Germany, Iran, Saudi Arabia and South Korea. The study also said that the Indian emissions were projected to grow 2 per cent in 2017, compared to 6 per cent per year averaged over the previous decade, due to significant government interventions in the economy. In India, emissions are expected to grow by a solid 6.3 per cent in 2018, pushed by strong economic growth of around 8 per cent per year. “Coal is still the mainstay of the Indian economy, and as in China, it will be a challenge for solar and wind to displace coal, given the strong growth in energy use,” it said. It also said that although global coal use is still 3 per cent lower than its historical high, it is expected to grow in 2018, driven by growth in energy consumption in China and India. The emissions in the rest of the world, remaining 41 per cent of global emissions, are expected to grow by 1.8 per cent in 2018. This group is of mainly developing countries and the five countries contributing most to the growth in this grouping in the last decade are Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Iraq and South Korea, the study said. Meeting the Paris Accord commitments China, India and the European Union are setting the pace. These regions represent 40 per cent of global carbon emissions. They are set to achieve more than what they agreed in the first round of Paris Agreement in 2015. Their leaders can step up and announce even bolder programmes at the UN summit in September, 2019, to review the commitments made during Paris Agreement, it said. The study said that while China and India still rely heavily on coal, the US and the EU are slowly decarbonising. India can continue to deploy solar farms, leveraging its leadership of the International Solar Alliance to displace coal and clean up its smog-choked cities. By 2020, India can announce its own fossil-fuel exit strategy and a target date for its peak CO2 emissions, the study said. The study warned that the global emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels and industry are projected to rise for the second consecutive year in 2018, by more than 2 per cent to a new record, mainly due to sustained growth in oil and gas use. Published on December 06, 2018 Related Articles World Bank to invest USD 200 bn in 2021-25 to fight climate change These urban forests keep India breathing freely Supreme contempt Over 1 lakh children in India die due to indoor, outdoor air pollution: WHO our air quality index data rarely talk about it, just some time show it on some TV news channel. This is equally alarming. N something seriously done about it. The SUV or other automobiles, trucks twowheelers must have catalytic converter to trap n convert CO,CO2 To methane I don't know in our country any manufacturer provides such catalytic converter in the tail pipe,before the exhaust gases released in the atmosphere. Users don know n we never ask while buying any vehicle. more  
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