Service level benchmarks for Civic Agencies - Inputs Needed
Below are some of the areas to gauge civic body performance and some service level benchmarks as proposed by you.
Using this structure, please share additional areas and metrics to measure urban civic body effectiveness.
We look forward to your inputs!
Swachh Bharat Mission
Service Level Benchmarks/Metrics for Civic Agencies
Water supply
1. Turn-around-time in fixing broken connections/pipelines
2. Time taken to install new connection
1. Manholes inspection and replacements
2. Periodic cleaning of drains, especially before the rainy season
Solid Waste Management
1. Daily cleaning of the garbage bins
Storm Water Drainage
1. Regular cleaning/de silting of storm water drains
Public Toilet Maintenance
1. Availability of public toilets (average percentage of public toilets in functional state)
1. Timely repair of the internal roads (days taken to fix complaints)
2. Availability of street lights (average percentage of street lights in functional state)
3. Zero stray cattle and dogs on roads
4. Periodic drives to remove encroachment
5. Cleanliness of streets and public areas more