Should Convicts be Barred for Life from Polls?

The above question is posed by Supreme Court to Central Government and Election Commission. If a convicted person is barred from govt. employment, what is the rationale behind provisions in the Representation of the Peoples Act that allow a convicted Criminal to contest election ad become a Law maker six years after he has served the sentence.
Data on Criminalization of politics presented to Supreme Court on 10/02/2025 showed that of the 543 Lok Sabha MPs, as many as 251 face criminal cases.
How a Law breaker is allowed to become Law maker? It is high time that Representation of the Peoples Act is amended without any delay. more  

I fully agree with SC’s views. The ill-gotten property of the criminal politician should also be confiscated. more  
convicts must be completely banned from participating in polls! people desirous of being in public life must be above board . Corruption is ingrained in all walks of life and unless all public servants exhibit high degree of transparent behaviour , we cannot expect any improvement in ease of living. more  
Present day Civilizations across the Globe stand similarly quagmired , not Indians only. Who will find the exit to the quagmire ? As of the latest notion, the Law is merely a Judicial interpretation or an interpretation of law by a judiciary at various levels involved in doing justice from lower to higher to the highest level of judgemented Justice subject to Working days, Holidays, Bails, Anticipatory Bails , pre-paid & post-paid Advocacy of Law , Urgent hearings, shootouts during sessions of Courts presided over by Honorable Judges , etc etc., etc,. As of late in 2025, the Super Power America has made a felon the Executive President but discharging unconditionally and yet, the felon declared on record that the American Judiciary or American Justices or American Judgements should not resort to lionization or weaponized in pronouncements of punishments. The Question is " Who will find the exit to the quagmire ? " Indians or Americans ? Only Time will tell . more  
Very true. Unfortunately, many politicians are falsely implicated and usually verdicts remain pending for long. So culprits also get a big relief. ECI must be well framed and disciplined to discipline the politicos. Now a days once an offender join the ruling party, cases are withdrawn. So why should expect a better deal in this regime. People have to wake up and keep such person out of contest. more  
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