Should lockdown be extended in Tamil Nadu ?
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister has been honest enough to admit that the end of carona is in the hands of God, implying that the government has run out of ideas. One cannot blame Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, as he has done his level best so far within his limitations.
The question is should the lockdown be continued .
The side effects of lockdown has reached alarming proportion , as poor and downtrodden people and wage earners are put to enormous sufferings and the economy is rapidly declining.
Under the circumstances, following suggestions can be considered by Tamil Nadu government.
1. Implement lockdown between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.
2. Let theatres, places of worship, beach, parks, public gatherings continue to remain closed for one more month.
3. Allow all economic activities to take place , insisting that the social distancing must be maintained.
4. Government's methods to compel the people to have social distancing is not working in full measure. Therefore, transfer the responsibility for observing social distancing to the society.
5 Those who violate the guidelines would be viewed as anti socials and causing harm to the health of fellow citizens. People are now aware of the danger of carona and would certainly start demanding that everyone should observe the guidelines for the safety fo the people.
6. Probably, social pressure will be more effective than police pressure.
7. Economy is equally important and the livelihood of people are equally paramount. Now, we seem to have reached a stage where we have to live with carona observing all safety measures , for the sake of livelihood.
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