Shying away from the truth

One thing/aspect which shakes me is, why do certain sections of Hindus, shy away from discussions on conversions?

01. Is it because they feel, that, the situation is actually not that alarming? But, then, wud they change their opinion of facts r given?

02. Is it because, they feel that Hindu Organizations are actually twisting the facts and presenting? Where-as the situation is actually not that serious.

03. Is it because, they feel, that, though the facts r correct, every person shud feel free to practice or convert to any religion? And, no body shud object.

I wud like to play Devil's Advocate on the above 3 doubts in my mind.

01. For the 1st question, my reply wud be, please dont follow any Indian Independent source. Since, many websites r usually biased. And, they might make one into two or perhaps even 10. Rather, please follow Indian Govt Stats, over the past 60yrs, and note down the increase and decrease in religious populations state wise, over these years.

02. For the 2nd question, my reply is the same as above. Further, conveying some statistics:

Year 1901: United India
Hindus: 86%, Muslims: 12% & Christians: 1.15%

Year 1941:
Hindus: 84.4%, Muslims: 13.3% & Christians: 2.18%

Year 1951: (After Partition)
Hindus: 87%, Muslims: 10% & Christians: 2.34%
Hindus registered a jump and Muslims registered a decline in new India due to cross migration.

Year 1991:
Hindus: 85%, Muslims: 13.5% & Christians: 2.35%

Year 2014:
Hindus: 80.5%, Muslims: 14% & Christians: 3.00%

Hindus have registered a 7% decrease since Independence. Then where has that 7% gone??

The govt is hesitating to show the actual increase in Muslims & Christians, and dividing that 7% here and there. But, actual fact being that, those 7% has been divided between Muslims & Christians equally.

The increase of Muslims due to Migration, and not due to Conversions.

The increase in Christians is entirely due to Conversions.

03. My reply to query 3, is that, yes, everyone shud be allowed to choose and follow any religion. No coercion, lies and force shud be ever used. If u take the examples of free societies like the West, where everyone is free to choose and practice any religion Christianity has shown tremendous decline. If u take the example of Middle East Societies, Islam is tremendously under stress and is totally in decline in the hearts and minds of Arab Muslims everywhere. I live and work in the Middle East since past 16yrs.

But, why is Islam & Christianity showing an increasing trend only in India??

This is because, one man called Jawaharlal Nehru gave a statement that, 'By accident, I am a Hindu'.

On the contrary:

During Independance the population of Hindus in Pakistan was 20%, today it is at the maximum only 2%.

Where have the 18% disappeared????

During liberation of Bangladesh from Pakistan in 1972, population of Hindus in Bangladesh was 25%. Now only 11%.

Where have the 14% Hindus disappeared? And that too in a short span of just 40yrs.

If one compares the percentage of Hindus in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), then, one might even be horrified. They were 33% in 1947. A decline of 21% from then now.

Where have this 21% disappeared???

On one side, we r registering substantial rise in Minority populations in India. But, on other hand we r also witnessing substantial if not brutal decline of Hindus in Pakistan & Bangladesh.


This is all because of the selfish attitude of Secular Hindus and Castist Hindus?

The bane of India is 2 groups of people.

One group is the Secular Hindu, who has educated himself from Convent Schools and is coming to protect his educators against the so called 'Hindu Groups'.

Another more dangerous group, in fact more dangerous then the Secular Group is the Castist Hindu.

The Castist Hindu, does not care or respect Hinduism at all. All he is concerned is about his own caste. And his Caste domination and hegemony in his own state. Only his caste shud rule, come what may.

Example of these castes r, Yadavs (UP/Bihar), Jats (Haryana/Rajashthan), Marathas (Maharashtra), Reddys (Andhra/Telangana), Kammas (Andhra), Non-Brahmin Gounders (DMK/AIADMK).

Together these castes and the states they have been ruling these past 60yrs have under their control almost 300 Lok Sabha seats. All of them strong Congress or Secular States.

These same caste people argue during such discussions that, everyone shud have the freedom to chose their religion, and then make tall claims that, we shud practice the policy of 'Live and let live'. My query to them is, do u urself practice such a policy of 'Live and Let live', with other castes in ur own state?

In ur own state, u people practice rampant communalism within ur own Hindu Community with other castes. U dominate, terrorize, subjugate both economically, and culturally other castes, and u talk about allowing Muslims and Christians shud be allowed to freely convert and destroy Hinduism in the Country.

So much is the domination of such castes, that, for example, when a Reddy converts into Christianity, even then he wants to use the Reddy name to dominate.

Best example is the Reddy community in Andhra, where, by conservative estimates 20-30% have converted to Christians. YS Rajasekhar Reddy and YS Jagan Mohan Reddy (both Christians) being the leaders of the entire Reddy Community.

When an Hindu Reddy is asked why is he following a Christian Reddy, specially, when YSR initiated conversions in the Holy Temple of Tirumala, they openly declare that, their aim is for Reddy domination. Irrespective of whether YSR or YS Jagan initiated any such activity, which they r completely aware about.

Likewise, the Kamma Community.

Chandrababu Naidu's wife too has been reportedly been converted by ex--actrss Jayasudha. Today, hypothetically speaking, even if Chandrababu converts to Christianity, the entire Kamma Population will still be behind Chandrababu Naidu.

Same for Mulayam or Lalu. Even if they convert to Islam, the Yadavs will never leave them.

These caste citadels, fully know that, Hinduism in it's purest form does not encourage casteism. And, if Hinduism gains ground, then their castes will be rendered irrelevant.

In my opinion, these caste Hindus r a bigger danger then Muslims and Christians in India. In fact, a bigger danger then Convent educated Secular Hindus.

Hence, when we here such 'Live and Let live' comments during a discussion, try to ascertain, the caste and state of that particular participant.

Though BJP is getting stronger in these states, these castes still have the capacity to create problems in a total of 300 odd Lok Sabha seats. These castes and these states shud be tackled in a top top priority.

AP, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Maharasthra, UP, Bihar, Haryana & Rajashthan. These r the key states. more  

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Inter-chat, die benutzerfreundliche Gemeinschaft Wenn Sie diese E-Mail für Spam halten, klicken Sie bitte hier [] [] rkreimervashist 67 Jahre [] Deine Freundin Ramesh (rkreimervashist) hat dir diese Einladung geschickt 😀 Akzeptiere diese Einladung, um seine Fotos zu sehen und per Webcam mit ihm zu chatten! Sehe deinen Freund [] Hier sind einige der zuletzt abonnierten Nutzer: [] Seelchen 48 Jahre [] [] outway 40 Jahre [] [] bobolo 54 Jahre [] [] Auldgit56 58 Jahre [] Mehr sehen... [] Klicken Sie, um Inter-chat zu betreten [] Um diese Art von E-Mails nicht mehr zu erhalten, klicken Sie hier [] Du erhältst diese E-Mail, weil dein Freund Ramesh (rkreimervashist auf Inter-chat) uns darum gebeten hat, dich einzuladen. Falls du nicht zu ihm hinzustoßen möchtest, kannst du diese E-Mail einfach ignorieren :-) Falls du keine E-Mail erhalten möchtest, wenn dich ein weiterer Freund einladen will, klicke hier. [] Inter-chat wird von der Firma bacto-net bearbeitet 21 avenue le Corbusier - 59042 Lille (France)[][] more  
Understanding the need and utilization of the resources is still dificult task in India . I.e IG rural home or aid for public utility is totally a mess since most of the funds are being shared 50:50 ratio by the rural parties and beneficiary. All over India the picture is same. the aid approve to someone who have influence or too illetarete poor. The first one makes it's home in papers. 2nd One share it 50:50 , since what even it comes will help his daily life good for few months. Jan Dhan jojana is good enough for grass root development. but also been shared within the party , bank , broker or so. If really it goes for infrastructure development or initial investment or purchase of seed , oil, cattle or so it would be chance to reinvestment , or return to govt. yes i can the oppertunist always enjoying with such aids . further we have Behanji and Bhiyaji always to save such culprits who comes against them more  
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The 'Protector of Minorities' tag taken up by the leaders of these caste based parties, is a facade to actually continue with their caste based hegemony and domination in their respective states. On one hand they continue with their rampant and arrogant Communal-ism on other castes within their own Hindu Community. On the other hand, they project themselves as 'Protectors of Minorities'. This caste based hegemony shud be dismantled in each and every respective state. more  
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