Signature problem with company shares and Mutual Funds
The companies outsource the work to agencies, the likes of Karvy, and almost wash off their hands with regard to the interests of the share holders. The agencies do their job most casually, as a ritual and with no responsibility for the shabby job they do.
The issue of concern to us is this: Signature on the request letter for address change not tallying with that in their records.
We hold some of the shares for more than a quarter of a century now. We are now aged people.
Is it expected that the signature remains unaltered over such long periods?
Is not the ID proof, Address proof enough to ensure the authenticity of the holders?
We sent even the xerox copies of the original share certificates along with the request letters.
Karvy is asking us to send indemnity bond of Rs. 100/ for each change of address.
This looks unfair on the part of the companies to have entrusted the agencies and take no further interest in seeing how the agencies are discharging their obligation to the companies and their share holders.
Who will rectify this situation? Does SEBI come to our rescue?
Why can't such agencies who are bent upon harassing the share holders of the companies, under the guise of taking care of investors interests - to the detriment of the prestige of the companies - be black listed?
Any suggestions to overcome this problem of adopting the 'signature not tallying' phrase by the middle man agencies to harass the individual share holders? more