Skilling/Re-skilling needed within Railways - Addl Inputs
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Skilling/Re-skilling within Railways
1. Employees who directly deal with the public should be given regular customer service trainings
2. Internally, the staff should be posted in to different departments so that they can improve their skill and can be utilised in case of an emergency
3. Entire technical staff should be given a one week refresher training once a year
4. The behaviour of TTEs, railway police, vendors etc. is generally arrogant – they must be trained on having better interpersonal skills
5. Railway recruitment could be facilitated through the Skill Development Centres for the lower level staff
6. For emergencies like accidents, the drivers, TTEs, guards etc. should be trained in first aid techniques
7. The cleaning staff should be trained for using vacuum cleaners or any other mechanical devices for cleaning the trains instead of doing the work manually which take a long time
8. Train attendants could be multi-skilled to look after cleaning with vacuum cleaners as well as support a TTE as needed
9. Part time trainers like volunteer/veterans/retired skilled person from Railways & other services like Defence services etc. could be hired to train staff
10. The qualifications of the engineers should be developed in line with the existing occupational standards of Railways
11. Youth, talent, motivation, and team work are keys to growth and improvement. Induct, young, talented, and motivated personnel and enthuse team work in them
12. Works like the enquiry counter should be automated and the staff should be deployed elsewhere
13. Soft skills should be compulsory subject during orientation and training programme
14. Station management staff should be sent to institutes of hotel/house-keeping so they know how to keep stations clean
15. Class 3 and Class 4 staff must be rationalized, re-trained and re-deployed for monitoring of tracks, cleanliness in stations, on-board supervision of housekeeping and pantry. more