Solutions to improve State of Agriculture

Dear Friends,

Below are the key solutions identified by you to improve the state of Agriculture in India. Please review and if you find anything missing, kindly add it as a comment.

We will then compile the whitepaper and submit it to PMO and Ministry stakeholders in the subject.

Thanks for your participation!
Rajendra Pratap Gupta


Improving the state of Agriculture – Solutions

1. The Government should set up Farming schools in rural areas and provide free minimum education on various fields
2. Encourage the private sector and corporates to set up farming schools and universities all over the country for higher learning and research in farming sector and related areas
3. Encourage forming of local or regional societies for Seed banks and banks for farm related inputs such as Fertilizers Pesticides and providing them to farmers on easy terms and at relatively cheaper rates
4. The middleman should be eradicated and the farmers should be able to sell directly to the buyer
5. Marketing of agricultural produce should be taken up by village committees and monitored by state and central governments to ensure profits to the farmers
6. Loan dispersal should be made easy to farmers for agricultural purposes
7. Interest on these loans should be reduced
8. Crops should be insured by the government/private players against drought and floods
9. Alternate sources of irrigation water should be developed
10. Drought areas should be identified and monitored by government to provide moral and financial support to farmers
11. Government should look to make some big investment to boost the agricultural sector
12. More opportunities should be developed in this sector to prevent mass exodus to cities
13. Alternate sources of generating electricity should be developed so that cheap power could be supplied to farmers
14. The department taking care of the farmer welfare should be made accountable for their work
15. Conversion of agricultural lands for industries, real estate and fishing farms should be restricted
16. There should be an increase in the technological intervention to improve productivity
17. There should be Central Government Facilitated, single window facilities to help farmers with solving issues ranging from fertilizer to crop selling
18. Promote the natural farming and crop rotation
19. Skill training should be provided to the farmers via National Skills Development initiative more  

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..................................... Prof.Lakshminarayana would like to stay in touch on LinkedIn. Prof.Lakshminarayana Vemuri Principal & Professor at Arupadai Veedu institute of Technology, Chennai Chennai Area, India View profile Confirm that you know Prof.Lakshminarayana ..................................... Unsubscribe: Help: You are receiving Invitation emails. LinkedIn will use your email address to make suggestions to our members in features like People You May Know. This email was sent to © 2018 LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2. LinkedIn is a registered business name of LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company. LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn. more  
body { -ms-text-size-adjust: none !important; font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;} My balance: $1,000 Home               p small-text Hello, Starting in 2017, you were an early (alpha) member of our project called empowr. Well, that project evolved and became the new Along the way, we invented virtual currency and many other technologies used by all the top social media companies. Your free coins As you probably know by now, empowr is launching its own coin (like Bitcoin) and, as our way of saying Thank You to the incredible community that got us here, we're giving the first coins to you – TOTALLY FREE. Read the details Secure your free coins ► Note: Unclaimed coins will be auctioned off to the rest of the community. (As an early member, you get exclusive first access to bid on any unclaimed coins). Once again, THANK YOU. -Your friends at Your account was reserved for you in order to allocate your free coins, however you must agree to terms and validate before it can be utilized. By accessing your account via the links or buttons in this email, you're both validating your email and stipulating that you're 18 or older and are signing up having agreed with the product, terms and privacy policies. At this moment, empowr can make no guarantees about the current or future price or value of the new empowr cryptocurrency coin, or that it will be ultimately tradeable on one or more public currency exchanges. By accepting your free founder coins, you acknowledge that this offer represents a gift that can be revoked if it is found to not be legal in your state, country or jurisdiction. Vesting and other details apply. You are receiving this gift and email because you were an alpha user of the / FanBox / empowr project. You can unsubscribe here #. --> New! Download the empowr mobile app:     *This promotional email was sent to and may contain special notices or offers. To see current terms and conditions visit: FanBox Terms and Conditions. You can prevent future emails here. FanBox - 611 K Street, Suite B411, San Diego, CA 92101, USA more  
In the ultimate analysis, there are two interconnected issues to be solved: (a) the surplus left with the farmer from the farming activities (after taking into account the household labour, and the monetary value of the land used during the season also), and (b) the relative value of the surplus vis-a-vis the industrial goods. Since entrepreneurs are able to increase the margins of their (industrial) products through innovative positioning, pricing and promotion, they are able to increase the prices of industrial goods. But in the absence of a similar repositioning exercise in agricultural commodities (except perhaps in the domains of minor millets and organic produce - which are becoming a fashion these days), the farmers are unable to increase the prices in the general markets. This has led to a stagnation of agricultural income while the income of others has steadily shown a rise - thus making agriculture unremunerative. The only options that have been tried so are are (a) improving the yield (efficiency) of agriculture by improving access to inputs (including irrigation), technology & training, and (b) providing a minimum support price. The other option of promotion of cooperatives has not worked in all circumstances due to the very nature of cooperatives, the absence of strong & continuous leadership, and political fabric on which the cooperatives are being formed. Generation of entrepreneurial surplus and ploughing it back to the farmers is the only way for improving the farmers income in a way that matches the non-agricultural employees remuneration. And cooperatives, which are free from the government influence and are free to act as independent actors in the market and enter into value-addition activities on behalf of the farmers, is the only option to plough back the entrepreneurial surplus back to the farmers. Unfortunately, this has not received attention in the above list of suggestions. I plead for including this also in the above list of suggestions. more  
Farmer’s community had voted to BJP for assured procurement and remunerative prices for their produces. However Central govt policies are geared more towards tackling shortage and curbing price rise than protecting farmers on the edge Country’s rural economy has suffered and distressed farmers are committing suicides because they are unable to recover their input cost There is a need to help farmers through measures like:- 1 Buying inputs cheaper and getting a higher price for their produces. 2 No ban on export of farmer’s produce under pressure from media and farmers should be allowed to benefit especially when prices are high in international market 3 Ban on export is lifted when farmers sold their produce to manufacturers, traders and industrialist who benefit from it. 4 Import of food items affects farmers adversely.On producing bumper crops they are not getting good prices that force them to dump their produce on roads in protest 5 Fix MSP and arrange procurement at MRP when a bumper crops 6 Incentive to exporters for export of farmers produce 7 Extend tax exemption to set up small scale units for food processing and for utilization of the crop residue as granted to hilly states 8 Reservation in education and jobs to economical weaker small and marginal farmers more  
I am happy that PM has accepted one of my suggestion to fix MSP of farmers produce more  
Dist. Development Councils with Specific Divisions to Address development of all Sectors with STC tie-up Befits. more  
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