Speed money generation by manufacturer
The manner and method uses depend on muscle power of the final/intermediate products. If it is monopoly product much in demand or scarcity exists in any point of time, money is taken under the table by trusted persons only.
Scrapes also generate unaccounted money as such items can be easily disposed off.
There is also nexus between tax administrator and /or political parties with the manufacturer. This starts from issue of license, infrastructure facility like land, water, electricity, scare raw materials, exemption from taxation, purchase by Government etc. The list is long and it spread far and wide.
The suggestion is to liberise the procedure for "EASE OF BUSINESS" by cutting all pre-verification and application by e-mail, so also the permission.
The post verification of any alleged mis-use need be by collegium of Group A officers after recording reasons for visit and inspection.
The routine visit/audit etc. need be dispensed with. more