1. Cinnamon---- Taking 3- 6 grams of cinnamon per day has been found to reduce mean fasting serum glucose level by 20 to 25%. It also reduces triglyceride, LDL cholesterol and Total count of cholesterol level to a considerable magnitude.
2. Turmeric---- Information published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry focuses on the use of turmeric’s active ingredient, known as circuminoids,
to prevent diabetes from developing as well as giving a considerable boost to liver function.
3.Ginger --- Use of ginger is ancient practice in our Indian kitchen . Recent researches has proved the benefit of ginger in
reducing the risk of cardiovascular disorder and type 2 diabetes.
4. Fenugreek ---- It contains antioxidants useful to control hyperglycemia and hypertension .
Use of sprouted fenugreek is more
beneficial in type-2 diabetes.
5. Garlic--- It has wonderful effect in controlling lipid profile and hypertension . The effect of type-2 diabetes on kidney , liver and eyes can be controlled by its regular use .
6. Aloe Vera--- In a study in Phytotherapy Research, aloe vera was shown to help lower the blood sugar levels of rats, laying skepticism of its medicinal use to rest. The study concluded that the pulp of aloe vera leaves without gel is a potentially useful way to treat diabetes.
7. Cumin ----- A study by researchers at Mysore University in India explored the potential anti-diabetic properties of cumin. In this study, published in 1998 in the journal “Nutrition Research,” the research team fed diabetes-induced rats a diet of 1.25% ground cumin for eight weeks with positive results.
8.Bay Leaves --- Bay leaf has been found containing antioxidants that influences insulin secretion and it is very useful in type -2 diabetes. more