Standards for Smart Cities: Citizen Inputs
We look forward to your inputs!
Citizen expectation from Smart Cities.
1. 24X7 supply of Power and Water
2. Effective waste collection and disposal system
3. Efficient Public Transportation
4. Good Air Quality
5. Citizen Oriented Governance with all departments connected to citizens electronically
6. Smart Policing and very low crime rate
7. Disaster and Emergency Readiness infrastructure
8. Over 75% planned housing and roads
9. Availability of jobs
10. Good education, health and recreation infrastructure
11. Should be more pedestrian friendly
12. Electronic/IT monitoring and vigilance of high quality
13. Waste to Wealth recycling infrastructure
14. Strict enforcement of air, water, and noise pollution laws
15. Wi-fi/connectivity and intelligent lighting in streets and building
16. Adequate parking lots for vehicles
17. Adequate open areas and parks in every ward
18. Citizen problem reporting - within 24 hours the problem should be attended to
19. Recycling of waste water and ground recharge of rain water.
20. All street and public lights to be solar powered.
21. Infrastructure to pick up and manage stray animals