State of Education in India - Inputs on Root Causes

Dear Friends:

Thank you for taking the time to share issues related to Education system in India.

These are some of the key issues outlined by you:

1 Private school fees have become exorbitant
2 Quality of education in government schools is not at par with the private schools
3 Inadequate schools in cities as well as rural areas
4 Unqualified and/ or incompetent non-performing teachers in Government schools
5 Inadequate facilities in many schools
6 Many Government schools in rural India still don't have toilets for girls
7 Teachers in government schools don’t show up at work too often
8 Children are beaten up by school teachers
9 School curriculum is different across states and boards
10 School curriculum in many cases is outdated
11 There is little focus on practical learning
12 Inadequate facility and training in sports
13 Hefty donations asked for at the time of admissions in private schools
14 Most private schools are run for business and profits.

If there are some key issues missing, kindly post it as a comment to this post. Let us move forward and root cause these so we can figure out what is driving these issues in our Education system.

Once we know the Root Causes, we will start the Solutions discussion in a separate post.

Thank you again for your participation.

Rajendra Pratap Gupta
Bharatiya Janata Party more  

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Free Education under article 45 upto 10th, 75% Aided for Intermediate under article 15[4], 46, read with 41 TO JUSTIFY 21 and Guarantee of Preamble. more  
body { -ms-text-size-adjust: none !important; font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;} My balance: $1,000 Home               p small-text Hello, Starting in 2016, you were an early (alpha) member of our project called empowr. Well, that project evolved and became the new Along the way, we invented virtual currency and many other technologies used by all the top social media companies. Your free coins As you probably know by now, empowr is launching its own coin (like Bitcoin) and, as our way of saying Thank You to the incredible community that got us here, we're giving the first coins to you – TOTALLY FREE. Read the details Secure your free coins ► Note: Unclaimed coins will be auctioned off to the rest of the community. (As an early member, you get exclusive first access to bid on any unclaimed coins). Once again, THANK YOU. -Your friends at Your account was reserved for you in order to allocate your free coins, however you must agree to terms and validate before it can be utilized. By accessing your account via the links or buttons in this email, you're both validating your email and stipulating that you're 18 or older and are signing up having agreed with the product, terms and privacy policies. At this moment, empowr can make no guarantees about the current or future price or value of the new empowr cryptocurrency coin, or that it will be ultimately tradeable on one or more public currency exchanges. By accepting your free founder coins, you acknowledge that this offer represents a gift that can be revoked if it is found to not be legal in your state, country or jurisdiction. Vesting and other details apply. You are receiving this gift and email because you were an alpha user of the / FanBox / empowr project. You can unsubscribe here #. --> New! Download the empowr mobile app:     *This promotional email was sent to and may contain special notices or offers. To see current terms and conditions visit: FanBox Terms and Conditions. You can prevent future emails here. FanBox - 611 K Street, Suite B411, San Diego, CA 92101, USA more  
We should not continue to look within. Our competition is global. We need to have an education system that will result in our citizens becoming the best and most skilled globally. In my view, small reforms here and there is not going to help. We should take a complete fresh look, envisioning what our citizens will need to become the best over a 25 years' time frame. Then re-structure and do all that is required to get there. Our moment of pride will come when the child of a farmer becomes CEO of the biggest multi-national company, wins the Nobel Prize or wins an Olympic gold. Our system has been aimed at preserving status quo of making the child of a farmer a better farmer and the child of a software engineer a better software engineer. We create average adults out of our children. In the end we become average farmers, average administrators and average engineers. We should provide flexibility and opportunities for our children to climb over the boundaries and look beyond. Complete overhaul is required and this cannot be achieved within the limitations of people who have been driving our educational system thus far. People need to be changed and the mould should be re-constructed. more  
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