1. As per Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007, senior citizen means any person being a citizen of India, who has attained the age of 60 years or above.
2. Constitutional Provisions for Older Persons/Senior citizens. a) Well-being of older persons has been mandated in the Constitution of India. Article 41, a Directive Principle of State Policy, has directed that the State shall, within the limits of its economic capacity and development, make effective provision for securing the right of public assistance in cases of old age. b) There are other provisions, too, which direct the State to improve the quality of life of its citizens. Right to equality has been guaranteed by the Constitution as a Fundamental Right. These provisions apply equally to older persons. c) Social security has been made the concurrent responsibility of the Central and State Governments.
3.The Govt.of India understand that all Pensioners over 65 years are also Senior Citizens and they must be treated on par with other Senior citizens, and physically challenged since women Senior citizens are also come under the fold of Senior citizens/Pensioners.
The rights of older persons are the entitlements and independence claimed for senior citizens Elderly rights are one of the fundamental rights of India.
4. The Elderly Population in India is 76 million, of which 37 millions are male Sr.citizens, and 38 millions are women population. In Urban there 72% of total potation and in Urban it is 27% of total population of Sr.citizens.
5. According to UN, Urban population in India will increase from 30% to 50% t in 2010 to more than 50% by 2045. Further, the UN has noticed that by 2050, nearly 20% of India’s population will comprise of people over the age 60 years.
According to Pan-Indian Surveys, 30% of elderly subject to some form of abuse. The UN also found out following types of ELDERS ABUSES are found in India:
• a) Physical abuse, b) Emotional/Psychological abuse, c) Financial/Material Exploitation, d) abandonment, e) neglect, f) self-negligence.
• According to a rough estimate, nearly 40% of old people living with their family are reportedly facing abuse of one kind or another. However, only 1 in 6 cases are actually coming to light.
• Studies showed that 35% of elderly in urban areas and 32% in rural areas live alone, in loneliness. Their health is not taken care of by any one, their income is uncertain or nil and they cannot demand any physical help from others.
• In cosmopolitan areas elder’s life is in quite secure as they are soft target criminals.
• According to Help Age India, survey, most elders are ill-treated by their own children, which percentage emerges as high as 47.3%.
• Death of spouses leads the life of living spouse very miserable.
• Neglect of is the most common form of abuse 48.7 percent followed by emotional/psychological factors.
• Financial exploitation is also a major factor for Senior Citizens insecurity and miserable life. Their money is taken by their own wards,
• Elder’s abuse is a social problem which remains hidden all along. This is a frightening reality that is destroying many lives. It is so subtle and difficult to recognise that in India, we do not even perceive certain acts as Elder Abuse.
• No specific Law in India has been enacted to prevent Elder Abuse.
It is a relishing aspect that in order to address the problems of the older persons, in 1999, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MoSJE) had launched a National policy on older persons (NPOP). The main features are:
 Old Age pension scheme
 Tax Exemption for Senior Citizens.
 Make PDS to reach older people
 Subsidy in Healthcare, geriatrics care, mental health services, counselling facilities.
 Grants, Land grants at concessional rates to NGOs and private hospitals to provide economical and specialised care for the older person.
 Earmarking 10% of the houses in hosing schemes and easy access to loans.
 Layout of housing colonies to be sensitive to the needs of the older persons.
 Quick disposal of cases of property-transfer, mutations, property-tax etc.
 Assistance for construction/maintenance of Old-Age Home, Day care Centres, Multi-Service Citizens Centre, outreach services, supply of disability related aids and appliances, etc.
 Setting up of welfare fund for older persons.
The action taken by GOI on the above line is far and few and far reaching to the majority of old people.
Actually who are middle class Sr.citizens:
According general opinion of public, the middle class people are”a rare crowd (specimen) who cannot give Alms to beggars or who cannot beg Alms (due to false prestige) from others.” Thus middle class pensioners fall in this category.

Middle class people including Sr.citizens.
பிச்சைக்காரன் தட்டுல இருந்து துட்ட அள்ளிட்டு போற கூட்டமும் இருக்கு

Problems encountered by Senior Citizens.
.1.Elder Abuse –the Sr.Citizens have to swallow silently unable to express their agony to others.
2.The older people view their longevity bestowed by the present medical facility, as a curse for them in view of their torture in life.
3.Physical safety as they are soft targets for criminals who attack for gain
4. Compulsorily “Trusted Loneliness”. Ignoring elders, disregarding, treating them as burden,
5.Harassment & Humiliation from their own sons/druthers/spouses, and needless to say about other family members. They are discarded,disregarded,ignored
6. Post retirement pension blues for middle class old men.
7.The old people are not looked upon with humane consideration., even if they fall on the road, or unable to cross the road due to poor eye sight, ortho problem, no body ready to come for help.
8.Chronic diseases which runs in to a big list. They are”
* Diabetes-India is Diabetes capital
* High blood pressure/Low Blood Pressure.
* Heart ailment including cardiac problems.
* Mental health like depression, anxiety, Dementia (4.4 million persons affected in India )
*Eye problems like Glaucoma, cataract, retinopathy, and Imbalance due to inner ear nerve problem, Tinnitus, deafness, etc
* Thyroid problems, In carotid artery insufficient blood flow,
*Ortho Problems like osteoporosis and resultant cerebral, neck, spinal,hip,knee,foot problems
*Nervous problems(diabetic neuropathy)
*Most of Sr.citizens are afflicted with Diabetes and other related problems.
*Accidents do occur due to instability,dizziness, poor eye vision.
As the longevity after retirement life after retirement is very long and Government have laid down the “National Policy of Older Persons,1999” with the approval of Cabinet with all requirements of Elders.But implementing ‘Machinery’ has miserably failed to implement most of the provisions.
Para 24 of above Policy accepts that financial position of 2/3rd Elders is fragile and some level of Income Security is required to be provided.
Paras 24 to 31 point out that what is required to be done by Government, NGOs, Private Sector, Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance
and Ministry of Social Justice are not taking appropriate measures for each provision.

• Post-retirement life is too dark and scary areas which any middle-class Senior Citizens would find perplexing. Sadly, the plight is more pitiable in the private sector where there are no good advisers to guide you on a contented life.
• Health is one big uncertain zone where one’s calculations go haywire if a retired person falls sick. Hospital expenses shoot up, drilling a hole into his savings. There is no national social security or health plan for all. The Central Government Health Scheme is one saving grace for retired employees, while the private sector has no such scheme. Income and savings are interlinked bogies and invariably there is a yawning gap between what you earn and saved. Sadly, the States have no plans for senior citizens and it feels that its responsibility is limited to caring for pensioners. Social security schemes are a big disappointment and one has to fend for oneself. The condition is deplorable in rural areas and interiors of the country.. The unsung and destitute senior citizens lead a pathetic life.
What Senior Citizens want from this G.O.I.
• Many of the NGO organisations which claims to be Non profit organisation, are not really doing service free of cost, and only ‘well to do’ are admitted as members. They simply proclaim that they are helping old people to fight their insecurities and loneliness and bring joy.
• Many Senior Citizens are dependents and only small section of them pensioners. They served the country for 3 decades and finally sent home on superannuation. The pension fixed some decades back have become peanuts now, and all ot them are reeling under the heat of price rise. Sr.Citizen pensioners expect tax simplification/ or exemptions and allow them to have few more chips in their hands, in order to lead their evenings of life a little bit smoothly.
• Sr.Citizen/pensioners sector is an unorganized sector of society and nobody comes forward to form a Forum or Union to protect their rights, voice/ventilate their grievances, and get redressal for them. This Forum naturally includes Women Sr.Citizens who are ill fated. In view of the above, the Government needs to form a SINGLE FORUM /platform for entire nation called "SENIOR CITIZENS' WELFARE FORUM.

The Senior Citizens want the GOI to do the following for all over the country:
1.Old Age Pension Scheme to be implemented to those who do not have any income after 65 years of age.
2.Removal of Income Tax for Pensioners who are above 65 years ( that is total Tax Exemption for Senior Citizens) to compensate material exploitation they subjected from various quarters of society due to advanced age and inability, considering their service given to nation for 3 decades.
3. To Make PDS to reach older people, above 65 years with ease.
4. Subsidy in healthcare, geriatrics care, mental health services, counselling facilities, Auxiliary nursing facility for ailing sr.citizens at home (at moderate cost or free of cost)
5.Grants to provide economical and specialized care for the older persons.
6.Earmarking 10% of the houses in housing schemes and easy access to loans,
7. Layout of housing colonies to be allocated to the needs of the older persons,
6. Quick disposal of cases of property-transfer, mutation, property-tax etc.
9, Day-care Centers, Multi-service Citizens Centres, outreach services, supply of disability related aids and appliances etc. Provision
10. Provion of “SENIOR CITIZEN ID Card” by Govt. Of India for all old people above 65 years through NGO agencies.This would enable the Sr.Citizens the concessions list here.
10.Setting up a welfare fund for older persons above 65 years.
11.Reservation of 2 seat for Sr.Citizens in front row of the buses of State Road Transport Undertakings.
12. Fare concessions on State Road Transports and Railway fares at 50% of the actual fare to be permitted.
13. To make available all chronic medicines and life saving medicines to the Senior Citizens.
14.To entitle the Sr.Citizens for “cashless admission” under “National Sr.Citizens Insurance Scheme”.
15.To make the Nursing attendants available for disabled Sr.Citizens.
16.One day in a year should be celebrated as “Senior Citizens Day”
As the Elders/Senior Citizens form a very big force of electorates, and since they form an unorganised sector for whom no one on earth come forward to voice, the Government need to take interest in their welfare as son doing to parants and full fill the life time abition of persons who are in the evenings of life..
Some in important LINKS w.r.t. SENIOR CITIZENS. (Issueing ID card)
Web sites for Sr.citizens
Elderly care for health more  

View all 9 comments Below 9 comments
Setting up of old age homes shpuld be a priority with the government . This will help inmates to have company and share their thoughts with others. It also has many other advantages and will result in a society that has more satisfied Sr citizens . more  
Opening OLD AGE HOME for payment of charges is not be-all and end-all of the problems of the Old People(Sr.citizens). Free old age homes are in each state and how many old people know about it, or able to go there and get admitted. They dependent and their wards/care takers have to admit them.Will they do that due to prestige? For 76 million+ Old people how many OLD AGE HOMES can be opened? How many old people get admitted? The problem is ABUSE OF OLD PEOPLE and silent tolerant as said by Dr.Lakshmi Iyer, is the real factor that needs solution. After wedlock the new entrant in the family/relationship are not adjustable and want split/create problems, and when the parents are old and dependant, agony for them is inexplicable . Elder Abuse –the Sr.Citizens have to swallow silently unable to express their agony to others. Their physical weakness, mental weakness not resisting the pressure of the care-takers make the old people to yield to the unjust pressures. The old people who retired from service, by mistake (out of affection or pressure)give away their hard yearned terminal benefits to their wards. Ultimately when ye/she has no money, she is shunted from one ward to another and finally, thrown on the street. How many instances we have seen old persons(especially women) are left in the railway station, bus stands, on the road far away from the residence etc,as old people are felt as burden for the happy life?Even persons having bank balance, steady income from rents, business shares etc, are unable to receive and enjoy it as these money are snatched by their wards/caretakers. Many people cannot even go to bank or ATMs booths and take money for them in view of physical inability, poor eye sight etc. There are instances of robbing such old persons at the ATM itself or on their way. Many having money cannot go out and by what they need as none is helpful. Those who have house property cannot maintain them as they have to pay heavy property tax, Metro Tax,INCOME TAX, high wages for the small services they get which are inevitable. These old people are RICH IN WORDS BUT POOR IN REALITY. These middle call people are those "who cannot give alms to beggars and also who cannot beg for their life due to their prestige or their ward prestige. Many old people could not go to hospital or clinic as they need help but their wards are not ready to accompany. The old people are not looked upon with humane attitude even by general public due to their busy walk of life. If a old person falls on the road and broken their limbs (very common in INDIA) no on in the metropolitan city will rush up and lift or admit in the hospital.(I had this bad experience some years past twice). Any body who are rich or poor will encounter this situation. The younger generation should understand these problem, not to exploit their pitiable situation, not to resolve Physical abuse, b) Emotional/Psychological abuse, c) Financial/Material Exploitation, d) abandonment, e) neglect, as the old people are in their evenings of life counting days, and they require help from such kind younger generations. Do not allow them for "self-negligence" or youngsters neglect them, or abandon them/leave them in lurch. Here one must agree to the views of Mr.Jayakrishnan Alambat. We also agree with Mr.CSN Sarma views What is the part of many Wealthy Persons, Business enterprises, Business-men, Corporates, NRI Professionals , etc can do is to create good infrastructure of medical facilities in each taluk of each State, cash free entry in to hospital, funds for GOI for issuing Govt. recognised I.D.Cards,channelising funds "Sr.citizens welfare Fund" from abroad from International Forums, creating more number of day-care homes to keep old people when young wards go to office, creating Multi Speciality medical service Hospitals, for old people in rural areas "Sr.Citizens' centre", "Welfare package schemes" like " food/cloth/medicine" aids should be taken up by NRIs. The " National Health Scheme" is a massive one and needs the help of NRI help to support the GOI. The Government of India, in turn should should not entirely entrust the implementation of the scheme, but ask them to assist the GOI in this regard. As most of the States except Karnataka Govt., Maharashtra Govt, Delhi Govt., and few more States, most of the States do not evince any sincere interest in the welfare of old people. In Tamilnadu, except some dolls and PDS to urban and rural have-not, in general they have not done in wider perspective as has been done in Maharastra or Karnataka.The GOI must l start PUBLIC HELP AND SERVICE CENTERS for Sr,citizens, and "Sr. CITIZENS' ADVISORY FORUMS" for free advisory service and guidances to the requisite old people. Thus this is a multi dimensional scheme, involving the assistance from all sides , and only concerted and relentless effort should be take, and covering the schemes initiated by the Previous Government. more  
I sincerely support Mr.Radha krishnan's thoughts. If it is female sr. citizen inthe worst conditions they are living. son-in-laws or daughter in laws behave like merciless tyrants. They cannot freely express their mental agony. They must be treated with much love and respect.Dr.Lakshmi Aiyar more  
There is another group of senior citizens who do not want to be burden on their children and prudently saved a portion of their life time salary along with retirement benefits in bank fixed deposit and live on the interest so received. Now the present policy of reducing interest rates to satisfy the demands of industrialists and business class will make it difficult for them to meet two ends meet. The increasing prices of food items and medicines will make it all the more difficult. more  
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