Stop giving Kelloggs and Nestle cereals to children
A consumer survey looked at 19 products by Kellogg’s and Nestle/General Mills from 29 countries for comparison and found the SUGAR content ranged from 57g to 8g per 100g, a difference of 86%,whilst the SALT content ranged from 1.93gto 0.08g per 100g, a difference of 96%across all cereals. Currently the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends that adults should restrict their salt content to 5g a day and free sugars intake to 25g a day (Ref 2). The cereal with the highest sugar content was Kellogg’s Honey Smacks sold in Mexico which contained 17g sugar per 30g serving – that’s over 4 teaspoons in one bowl- equivalent to nearly 2 and a half Krispy Kreme doughnuts. more