Strengthening lower back
Get down on the floor in prone position (chest down, back up) and then use your forearms and toes to support your weight. Your arms should be below your shoulders. Keeping your back straight, hold this position for at least 30 seconds. Do 3 sets of 20 reps each.
This is done on the hyperextension bench and is a beginner’s exercise. You lie on the bench and then lock your ankles. Now keep your back straight and your hands behind your head. Bend down as much as you can without bending your lower back. Then come back to the starting position.
Good morning
Now this is a compound exercise that is a bit advanced. You may want to do it under the guidance of a trainer or it can lead to injuries if you don’t do it the right way. Take the barbell on your shoulders and bend your knees slightly. Now slowly bend your hips and arch your back till it is parallel to the floor. Hold the position and then come back in the starting position.
This exercise is really good for the back but do it carefully so that there are no injuries. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Now bend your knees and then grab the barbell without bending over. You should hold it slightly lesser than shoulder width. Raise the bar till your hip level using the muscles of your lower body and not your arms. Lower it till your shin. Make sure your back is straight at all times.
Cobra pose
This is a yoga pose but it can help strengthen your back and you do not need any equipment for it except for a yoga mat. Lie flat on your stomach with your forehead touching the mat and your feet together. Your palms should be on the mat and your arms close to your body. Now exhale and lift yourself up and straighten your arms in the process. Hold this pose for a few seconds and then come back to starting position more