Subject 2 - Corruption in Government Recruiting - Inputs Needed
At the time of joining Government service OR becoming a NETA the person must declare all assets fixed movable liquid etc for following persons
1. Self , WIfe
2. SONS Daughters their spouse
3. Father in law mother in law of self and SON daughter
4. Real brothers and sisters of self and Wife
Every 2 years the return should be submitted compulsorily and some computer programme should do analysis of the details the increase in assets to be matched with the annual income tax return filed by each person which should be mandatory.
There should be minimum personal intervention in selection process like it is done in case of CAT IIT JEE etc where there are no complaints from any one of corrupt practices
Please ask Govt of India why they do not follow the pattern followed in IIT JEE for ENgineering admission and CAT exam for admission to MBA these examinations and interview are going on for many years without any complaints. Further instead of interview they can have lottery system for those who clear the exam for lower grades.
They should have lottery system managed by computer program for all types of selections at lower grades so no one will blame any one more